Asia Offshore Drilling(AOD)获得了Saudi Aramco延长两座自升式钻井平台租期的合同,续约期为三年。这两座平台由Keppel FELS建造,于2013年交付,最大钻探深度为400英尺。两座平台自2013年起由Saudi Aramco租用,租期为三年,包括一个备选延期。
AOD是Mermaid Maritime和Seadrill成立的合资子公司,其中Mermaid持股33.76%。此次续约对象为该公司两座自升式钻井平台AOD I和AOD II,续约后,两座平台将分别于2019年6月和7月到期。此次续约与当前租期紧密衔接,将为合同增值2.25亿美元。
AOD公司另一座自升式钻井平台AOD III也与Saudi Aramco签订了三年期合同,合同将于今年十月到期。Mermaid周五表示:公司目前正与Aaudi Aramco商议AOD III的续约事宜。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月29日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创
Asia Offshore Drilling (AOD) has received three-year contract extensions for two jack-up rigs from Saudi Aramco. These units have been working for Saudi Aramco since 2013 on a three-year contract that contained one extension option. Both jack-up rigs were built in 2013 by Keppel FELS Shipyard and both have maximum drilling depth of 400 feet.
AOD is an associate company of Mermaid Maritime and Mermaid has 33.76 percent equity stake in AOD while the other 66.24 percent equity is owned by Seadrill. The extension is for two jack-up drilling rigs, AOD I and AOD II, which are now expiring in June 201 and July 2019, respectively. The extensions are in direct continuation of the current contracts and will add approximately $225 million in contract backlog.
AOD has another jack-up rig under a three-year contract with Saudi Aramco which is due to expire in October 2016. Mermaid said on Friday that negotiations with Saudi Aramco for contract extension for the AOD III jack-up are still ongoing.
- 赵美园
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