


“Engagement of 2D and 3D Seismic Data Acquisition in License Blocks  EX-2 Tria, EX-3 Baile Felix, ЕХ-7 Periam, ЕХ-8 Biled in Romania”

NIS Petrol SRL Romania, 100% owned subsided of NIS j. s. c. Novi Sad is looking for a contractor to provide Seismic acquisition work on Blocks EX-2 Tria, EX-3 Baile Felix, ЕХ-7 Periam, ЕХ-8 in Romania in the period October 2016 – March 2017. In that respect, the procurement procedure for the following seismic acquisition services shall be conducted:

Lot Block Name Approximative Area, 3D VP’s number Planned date of start for acquisition
1 EX-7, EX-8 324.28 sq.km 15959 October 2016
2 EX-3 223.40 sq.km 29171 January 2017
3 EX-2 170 sq.km + 57 km of 2D 16815+1500 March 2017

Data acquisition shall be most probably conducted with the parameters of 2 sweeps, 15 sec. However, for the preparation of the bids, the prices shall be formed for all options (Options: 2 sweep*10 sec; 2 sweep*15 sec; 2 sweep*20sec). Bidder shall state his price per VP.

Bidder shall carefully read Supplement 3 Qualification criteria – and submit requested documents for: general, economic, commercial, technical and HSE part- by using given instruction in colmun „supportive documents“ which explains what kind of documents have been requested from Contractor side

Qualification Criteria consists folowing parts:
1. Basic qualification criteria (chapter No 1)
2. Finacial indicators (chapter No 2)
3. Contract forms: The Bidder is obliged to accept Contract form, NDA and HSE (chapter 3), all falling under the Romanian applicable legislation, any dispute arising therefrom or related thereto being under Romanian authorities’ competency
4. Technical indicators (chapter No 4)
5. HSE Questionarre form developed by the Company ( chapter No 5).

Note: Bidder shall pay attention on above mentioned instruction and prepare all documents requested by chapter 1 to 5. Otherwise, Company reserve the right to Disqualify the bidder.

Bid preparation: The Bidder shall submit its offer in writing, in the prescribed form, filling in the required information for the procurement of services in accordance with the bill of quantities, which is an integral part of this Invitation.

Bidders may submit a joint bid, by submitting a legal act that defines the mutual obligations in the contract performance and responsibilities for their execution, as well as a proof of eligibility for participation in the procurement procedure for each bidder. Bidder is obliged to specify a list of subcontractors or partners, in case of partnership.
Commercail conditions shall be stated in Supplement 1 – BID FORM.

Contractor shall prepare offers/documents in four individual envelopes, i.e.:
1. Documents for quilification
2. Documents requested in HSE Questionarre
3. Commercial offer
4. Technical offer

Note: Above mentioned chapters shall be prepared as separate files and packed in four separte envelopes.

Certification of the equipment and personal : The seismic acquisition provider shall be certified by Romanian National Agency for Mineral Resources (NAMR). In case of equivalent certification obtained from competent authority in EU member states, it shall be duly recognized by Romanian National Agency for Mineral Resources. For tender purposes, NIS Petrol SRL shall receive from bidder official information about valid certification or recognition by NAMR that the service provider is duly authorized to perform specific petroleum activities within Romanian jurisdiction.

Language of communication during operation: official language of communication during operation is English.

Bid validity period: shall be at least 120 calendar days from the date of tender opening.

Payment: Monthly sitiation, within calendar 60 days from the date when the report on qualitative and quantitive receipt has been mutually signed.

Bid submission deadline: 15.08.2016. until 14h (local time)
Bid submission: Bids shall be sent by post or personally delivered in sealed envelopes(2 copies)
Bid delivery – bidder shall send their offer in closed envelope (which shall include above mentioned envelopes) on the the following address:
NIS Petrol SRL, 52 Take Ionescu Boulevard. 300124 Timisoara, Timis County ( attn: Deianca Nicolin) Indicating:
DO NOT OPEN – BID for „3D Seismic Data Acquisition in License Blocks
EX-2 Tria, EX-3 Baile Felix, ЕХ-7 Periam, ЕХ-8 Biled in Romania”

After bids receipt, Investor reserves the right to conduct the procedure of negotiations of which all the bidders shall be informed on time.

Investor’s procurement cancellation: Investor reserves the right to waive further conduct of the procurement procedure at any time without setting out the reasons, but not later than the contract with the elected Bidder is signed, and without Bidder’s right to ask for compensation for any possible damage or any costs within the participation in the procurement under this Invitation.

Asking and giving information regarding this Invitation for Bids: Any additional information regarding this procurement procedure is available every working day from
9 a.m. till 5 p.m.

Contact persons:
• General and commercial issues: Vanja Aleksic vanja.aleksic@nis.eu
• Legal issues: Mihaela Plotogea, Mihaela.plotogea@nis.eu
• HSE issues: Daniel Rogoveanu; daniel.rogoveanu@nis.eu
• Technical issues: Timur Gilyazov, gilyazov.tr@nis.eu
• assistant: Deianica Nicolin, deianca.nicolin@nis.eu;

1. Bid Form
2. Bidder’s questionnaire
3. Qaulification criteria
4. Technical assigment –SOW
5. HSE Qalification questionare
6. Contract form with annexes:
a. Commercial contract
b. HSE annex
c. NDA
d. Antucorruption annex



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