招标方:NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad
NIS PETROL s. r. l. Romania, 100% owned subsided of NIS j. s. c. Novi Said that your Company is kindly inivited to submit offer for Project design, Permitting and Supervisor service – which is a first phase of Construction of “Jimbolia” Gas Gathering Station and Compresses Natural Gas Plant, part of “Putting in Exploration the Gas – Condensate Field Jimbolia based of CNG Model. In that respect, the procurement procedure for the following services shall be conducted:
LOT 1. GCS Plant – Project design for gas collection station plant furthermore according to the confirgration given in technical assigmet (supplement 4)
LOT 2. CNG Plant – Project design for compressed natural gas furthermore according to the confirgration given in technical assigmet (supplement 4)
LOT 3. Permitting service – Obtainment of all necessary permits, plans (zonal urbanisam and/or strip groun plan) authrizations, consents, endorsments, agreements and other similar documents to be issues by compentent public authorities for surface infrastructure for oil&gas production in the area of operations (Timis County) furthermore according to the confirgration given in technical assigmet (supplement 4)
LOT 4. Supervising service – construction of work with related anexex for each part of SOW (II phase of the project)
Bidders Qualification:
Bidder shall carefully read Supplement Qualification criteria(Suplement _3_Qualification Qriteria (2)) and submit requested documents (general, economic, commercial and technical) taking into account colmun supportive documents which explains what kind of documents is requested from Bidders side. Qualification Criteria consists folowing parts:
1.Basic qualification criteria (chapter No 1)
2.Finacial indicators (chapter No 2)
3.Contract forms: The Bidder is obliged to accept Contract form, NDA and HSE (chapter 3), all falling under the Romanian applicable legislation, any dispute arising therefrom or related thereto being under Romanian authorities’ competency
4.Technical indicators- technical (chapter No 4)
Bid submission deadline: 01.08.2016 until 14h (local time)
Bid submission: Bids shall be sent by post or personally delivered in sealed envelopes 2 set of documents (2 originals)
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