周一,MEO Australia宣布已与Origin Energy Resources达成勘探许可转让协议。在深入审核对方的战略核心、资金配置和资产组合之后,MEO计划将Bonaparte Gulf地区WA-454-P区块50%的勘探许可权转让给Origin。
为了减少勘探和钻井费用,MEO早前曾试图寻找一位合作伙伴共同经营WA-454-P区块,但由于市场不景气,MEO未能如愿。MEO认为WA-454-P区块目前的风险回报状况与其战略目标并不契合,因此转而经营成本更低的陆上工程,例如古巴的Block 9 Production Sharing Contract项目。
来自/Rig Zone 7月4日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
MEO Australia Ltd. announced Monday that it has reached an agreement to assign its 50 percent interest in the WA-454-P exploration permit in the Bonaparte Gulf, offshore northern Australia to Origin Energy Resources Ltd. following an extensive review of its strategic focus and allocation of capital to the firm’s asset portfolio.
MEO had earlier sought an additional partner for WA-454-P to minimize its remaining exposure to overall exploration and drilling costs, but this was not possible due to the current depressed farm-out market. The company believed that WA-454-P no longer had the risk-reward profile that matched the its strategic objectives, which have increasingly moved towards lower cost onshore projects such as the Block 9 Production Sharing Contract in Cuba.
- 赵美园
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业,具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于迅速、准确地传递国际油气行业新闻简讯。会时刻关注油气行业最新动态,呈现最迅捷、优质的国际油气资讯,让中国企业时刻把握国际油气动向,抓住商机,创造世界油气行业精彩未来。