近日利比亚国家石油公司National Oil Corp (NOC)的领导人达成协议,准备统一该国企的管理和运营。此前公司领导层一直呈两级分化状态,彼此针锋相对,在国家分裂后原油出口和收益控制权问题上相持不下。此次达成协议标志着双方解决能源利益纷争迈出了关键性的一步。
NOC在官方网站上做出申明:NOC在利比亚西部Tripoli地区的主管Mustafa Sanalla将担任统一后新公司的主席,新公司总部位于东部的Benghazi。 与Sanalla同级别的利比亚东部NOC领导人Nagi Elmagrabi将加入新公司董事会。Elmagrabi在一次电话采访中透露:该协议是周六在Ankara达成的。
利比亚已探明原油储量为非洲之最。2014年该国分裂为两部分,分别由不同政府独立领导,从而导致了NOC公司管理体系东西对立的局面。目前利比亚各派正在通力合作,准备建立一个统一的政府。在利比亚统治者Moammar Al Qaddafi被驱逐出境后的五年里,利比亚石油设施遭受重创,原油出口量大幅下降。
Sanalla表示:双方求同存异以实现NOC的整合和统一是一个战略性决策。这份协议向利比亚人民和国际社会证明了利比亚总统委员会(Presidency Council)团结统一、协调一致的能力。有了这次成功,其它政府组织的稳定与和谐也指日可待。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Bloomberg 7月4日消息 编译/赵美园
Rival leaders of Libya’s National Oil Corp. reached an agreement to unify the state company under a single management, a step that could help end the conflict over who can control the divided country’s crude exports and revenue.
Mustafa Sanalla, the head of the NOC in Tripoli in the west of the country, will become chairman of the unified company, which will be based in Benghazi in the east, according to a statement on the NOC website. Sanalla’s eastern Libya counterpart, Nagi Elmagrabi, will join the NOC board. The agreement was reached Saturday in Ankara, Elmagrabi said in a telephone interview from the Turkish capital.
Libya, with Africa’s largest proven crude reserves, split into separately governed regions in 2014, leading to the establishment of rival NOC administrations. Libyan factions are currently working to set up a Government of National Accord. In the five years since the ouster of the country’s longtime ruler, Moammar Al Qaddafi, Libya’s oil installations have been attacked and its crude output has slumped.
“We made a strategic choice to put our divisions behind us and to unify and integrate NOC,” Sanalla said in the statement. “This agreement will send a very strong signal to the Libyan people and to the international community that the Presidency Council is able to deliver consensus and reconciliation. I’m sure it will now build on this success to bring unity and stability to other government institutions.”
- 赵美园
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业,具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于迅速、准确地传递国际油气行业新闻简讯。会时刻关注油气行业最新动态,呈现最迅捷、优质的国际油气资讯,让中国企业时刻把握国际油气动向,抓住商机,创造世界油气行业精彩未来。