招标编号: LUO /05/01-16/535
投标截止时间:2016年2月16日 下午3:00(塔什干时间)
1. 竞标公司应满足:
b)最近三年内(2012,2013, 2014)作为管道配件供应商,总营业额至少要达到50万美元以上;
c) 在过去的三年内(2012,2013, 2014),管道配件制造商应当至少有500000美元(五十万美元)的总营业额,当然这些配件都应该符合ASME认证。如果投标人是管道配件的生产商,按照第1.4条规定,应当具有管道配件供应的经验。
2. 全套投标文件(俄语)在提交书面申请后才可获得。信头上写明用途,由经理签字,在2016年2月5日之前提交到以下地址: “卢克石油乌兹别克斯坦有限公司”,1 “A”, Olmazor St., Tashkent, 100027, the Republic of Uzbekistan。
3. 投标公司的书面申请需要包含以下信息:公司全名、邮递地址、电话、传真、电子邮箱、联系人全名以及其电子邮箱。招标文件将通过电子邮件发送,可减少丢失及不能按时到达的风险。
4. 投标文件需在2016年2月16日 下午3:00(塔什干时间)之前密封送达至下述地址:1 “A”, Olmazor St., Tashkent, 100027, the Republic of Uzbekistan。将于2016年2月16日下午4点在以下地址进行开标: 1 “A”, Olmazor St., Tashkent, 100027, the Republic of Uzbekistan,在投标人授权代表在场的情况下进行开标。
LLC “LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company” announces the Competitive Bidding for “Supply of Pipeline Fittings” LUO /05/01-16/535
The Competitive Bidding may be participated by legal entities, local and foreign agencies, which have experience of similar services or similar projects implementation and are not prohibited from participating in the Competitive Bidding and/or performing stated works in the Republic of Uzbekistan by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan or legislation of the country of their state registration.
Eligible Bidders shall meet the following minimum qualification criteria:
а) availability of necessary documents authorizing supply of equipment being subject of the Bidding. If Bidder is not manufacturer of supplied Goods, Bidder shall engage manufacture complying with the requirements in Clause 1.4.c) and submit with its Bid a power of attorney or permission letter of manufacturer in accordance with Form 8 of the Bidding Documentation.
b) at least USD 500,000 (five hundred thousand US dollars) total turnover as Supplier of pipeline fittings within the last three (3) years (2013, 2014 and 2015).
c) manufacturer of pipeline fittings shall have at least USD 500,000 (five hundred thousand US dollars) total turnover as manufacturer in compliance with ASME certificates within the last three (3) years – 2013, 2014 and 2015. If Bidder is manufacturer of pipeline fittings, it shall have experience of supply of pipeline fittings in accordance with Clause 1.4. b).
Full set of the Bidding Documentation (in the Russian language) may be obtained upon submission of a written application for participation in the Competitive Bidding. Applications on a letterhead, signed by the manager, are admitted till February 5, 2016 at the following address: LLC “LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company”, 1 “A”, Olmazor St., Tashkent, 100027, the Republic of Uzbekistan, tel. (+998 71) 140-40-40, fax (+998 71) 140-40-41, e-mail: uzbekistan@lukoil-overseas.uz.
Written application of prospective Bidder shall contain the following information: full name of the company, postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail address; full name and e-mail address of contact person.
Set of documents will be sent by e-mail without any responsibility for loss or delayed arrival.
Source of financing: at the own expense of LLC “LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company”.
Sealed Bids shall be delivered to the address: 1 “A”, Olmazor St., Tashkent, 100027, the Republic of Uzbekistan before 3:00 p.m. (Tashkent time) February 16, 2016.
Bid Opening will take place on February 16, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. at the address: 1 “A”, Olmazor St., Tashkent, 100027, the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the presence of Authorized Representatives of Bidders, who wished to take part.
Dear suppliers of goods, works and services!
For the purpose of improving the cooperation with the suppliers, you are provided an opportunity to inform us on the bidding documentation conditions influencing on your participation in the bidding. For this purpose you are kindly asked to fill in and send us this questionnaire.