- 87%的油井将实现泵上方的液位下降。降低液位是必要的,这表明抽油效率很高。
- 81%的油井将实现泵充满度的提高。如果泵充满液体,作业将更有效,若能实现该目标,可降低电力消耗。
- 98%的油井将实现变速箱载荷的降低。变速箱载荷直接关系到有杆泵井作业所需的功率要求,变速箱驱动光杆,并提供扭矩,以转动平衡锤。
- 95%的油井将实现光杆峰值负荷的降低。光杆承受了下部所有抽油杆的重量、流体的重量以及设备往复运动时产生的惯性效应,抽油杆上的摩擦阻力增加了光杆上的负荷。
- 93%的油井将实现系统效率的提升。更高的系统效率意味着,油井可利用更少的功率来采出更多的流体,作业成本与该数值息息相关。
- 原油产量平均增长21%;
- 井下冲程平均增加23%;
- 光杆峰值负荷平均下降16%;
- 光杆交变应力平均降低16%;
- 变速箱负荷平均下降16%;
- 泵上方的液位平均下降28%;
- 系统效率平均提高37%。
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The deviation and side loading in deep, unconventional wells presents challenges for sucker rod pumping when rods flex during the down stroke of the pumping unit and sucker rod couplings wear into the inner wall of the production tubing. For example, a well pumping at six strokes per minute will cycle 8640 times per day and any given point on the sucker rod string can travel up to 23 miles per day. With so much potential contact between the sucker rod string and production tubing, there is plenty of opportunity to reduce frictional drag and loading on the system. Tubing leaks and coupling failures have historically accounted for nearly half of the failures in rod pump wells, with the root cause of these leaks frequently identified as coupling on tubing wear.
A standard spray metal coupling is abrasive to steel production tubing with its hard-nickel coating. While standard T couplings are not coated nor as hard as spray metal couplings, tubing wear occurs by a steel-on-steel galling mechanism. T couplings are also more susceptible to corrosion. In an effort to alleviate these effects and associated tubing wear, Materion developed a new low friction, high strength copper alloy. The ToughMet® alloy is a highly durable, spinodal bronze made of copper, nickel and tin. Naturally anti-galling to steel production tubing, it features high impact strength, offers improved corrosion resistance and can reduce overall friction on the sucker rod string.
ToughMet sucker rod couplings were initially successfully qualified in deviated wells with higher than average rates of failure. Hess, one of the largest producers in the Bakken, more than tripled its mean time between failures after introducing the couplings to deviated sections of their wells and went on to include the couplings in its standard production practice. Discovery Natural Resources LLC, an oil and gas company operating more than 1000 wells in the Permian Basin, owned some extremely deviated wells that were experiencing failures every 60 to 90 days, as a result of rod-on-tubing wear. After introducing ToughMet couplings, the company reported one well running for more than 385 days without failure. Clearly, these operators were able to eliminate frequent workovers and effectively improve their production efficiencies by utilizing a sucker rod coupling that actively mitigates coupling-on-tubing wear.
However, it has now been established that there is a range of unanticipated and significant added benefits of using the new couplings, beyond simply a reduction in workover costs for deviated wells. Identifying well performance benefits in addition to reduced tubing failures was of great interest to eight different operators. Between these eight different operators, 11 wells are currently running entire sucker rod strings of ToughMet couplings to investigate and quantify the full range of benefits observed by reducing frictional drag in the well. After analyzing their data, the following observations and predictions can be made on behalf of wells modified to run entire sucker rod strings of ToughMet couplings, where no other design alterations are made:
- 88% of wells will experience an increase in oil production.
- 93% of wells will experience increased downhole stroke.
Downhole stroke is usually much shorter than the stroke length measured at the surface because rods stretch, contract and deflect. Lowering frictional drag on the sucker rod string allows it to travel more smoothly and with more velocity, translating into greater downhole stroke. Capturing more pump stroke improves compression and allows the well to operate at maximum capacity.
- 87% of wells will experience decreased fluid level above the pump. Decreasing the fluid level is desirable and indicates efficient sucker rod pumping.
- 81% of wells will experience improved pump fillage. Operation is more efficient if the pump is filled with fluid. If so, lower electrical power usage will result.
- 98% of wells will experience gearbox load reduction. Loading on the gearbox is directly related to power requirements necessary to operate a well on rod pump. The gearbox drives the polished rod and provides the torque to rotate the counterweights.
- 95% of wells will experience peak polished rod load reduction. The polished rod holds the entire weight of the sucker rod string below, the weight of the fluid and the added inertial effects as the unit reciprocates. Frictional drag on the sucker rod string increases the load on the polished rod.
- 93% of wells will experience improved system efficiency. Higher system efficiency indicates the well is using less power for more fluid production and the costs of operation are directly related to this metric.
The data supports the hypothesis that ToughMet couplings not only reduce tubing wear, but also minimize frictional drag on the sucker rod string. When the sucker rod string can travel more smoothly, wells are able to capture lost downhole stroke and return more efficient fluid production. The couplings may serve to extend the life of surface equipment and sucker rods as indicated by smoother pump cards and reduced loads on the gearbox and polished rod. Minimizing frictional drag will also likely improve a well’s operating efficiency and offer power savings associated with it.
To date, 28 operators have installed ToughMet couplings in more than 900 wells between the Bakken and Permian Basin. The case studies demonstrate that, besides reducing failure rates and avoiding costly workovers, ToughMet couplings have a measureable effect on a well’s performance. Each well is operating more efficiently with improved sucker rod string movement, greater downhole stroke, increased pump fillage and accelerated fluid production. In addition, simply switching coupling materials has resulted in decreased loads on the gearbox and polished rod, which suggests that surface equipment life can also be extended.
Switching sucker rod couplings from standard T or spray metal to the copper alloy couplings achieved the following (on average):”
- Oil production increased 21% on average
- Downhole stroke increased 23% on average
- Pump fillage increased 9% on average
- Peak polished rod load decreased 16% on average
- Decreased alternating stress on the polished rod by 16% on average
- Gearbox loading decreased 16% on average
- Fluid level above the pump reduced by 28% on average
- System efficiency increased by 37% on average