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Hardide公司为新工具提供了涂层方案,通过延长钻井作业的气候窗口,每年可为油气开发商节省数百万英镑。井建专业公司DeltaTek Global选择了Hardide公司的CVD(化学气相沉积)碳化钨涂层,作为其ArticuLock新型工具关键部件的“盔甲”。
Hardide-T CVD碳化钨涂层可用于工具的关键组件,例如复杂形状的球窝枢轴接头。在大风、大浪、涌流等恶劣天气下进行作业时,该组件会承受高达400吨的极限载荷,还可承受5000psi的作业压力以及30000英尺磅的扭矩。
枢轴接头通体由AISI 4330V合金钢制造,该材质广泛运用于油气行业。但恶劣的作业条件意味着该工具需要耐磨涂层。枢轴接头本体上复杂的沟槽对涂层表面光洁度并不友好,想要实现必要的光洁度还需大费周章。
Deltatek首席执行官Tristam Horn表示:“Articulock将部署于世界上最恶劣的油气钻井环境,我们要保证该组件在极端作业条件下也具有最佳性能。枢轴接头本体的几何结构复杂,Hardide-T提供了唯一的解决方案。该方案结合了必要的耐磨性,延展性,以及可涂覆性。Hardide涂层公司在上述领域颇有建树,我们的工具之所以能够成功为全球油气作业者提供显著的成本效益,Hardide涂层功不可没。”
ArticuLock在Stena IceMAX上成功进行了现场试验,这是一种先进的、可用于恶劣环境的冰级钻井船。预计该工具将应用于北海、墨西哥湾、西非与西澳大利亚等不同地区。
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Hardide Coatings has provided a coating solution for a new tool that will save oil and gas operators millions of pounds per year by extending weather windows for drilling operations.
Well construction specialist DeltaTek Global selected the Hardide CVD (chemical vapour deposition) tungsten carbide-based coating for the key component of its new ArticuLock tool. ArticuLock provides operators with longer weather windows to deploy subsea hardware and improve operational reliability by removing bending fatigue in subsea running tools and landing strings.
The Hardide-T chemical vapour deposition (CVD) tungsten carbide-based coating was used on the key component of the tool, a complex shaped ball and socket pivot joint, which is subject to extreme loads of up to 400 tonnes, 5000 psi of working pressure and 30,000 ft.lbs of torque while operating in severe wind, wave and current environments.
Delays due to bad weather costs operators £400 million per year in the UK alone and up to 20% of drilling budgets are allocated to waiting on weather. Use of ArticuLock will allow operators to run tools in weather environments where previously drilling would have been suspended. It can increase operable wave heights by 400%, from up to 1m to up to 4m.
The severe operating conditions meant that a hard-wearing coating was needed for the pivot joint body which is manufactured in AISI 4330V alloy steel, widely used in the oil and gas sector. The complex grooved geometry on the ball of the pivot joint body presented a further challenge to achieving the necessary post-coat surface finish.
Hardide Coatings and DeltaTek worked together to achieve the necessary hardness, thickness and smooth surface finish through coating and polishing alone, rather than using grinding.
Tristam Horn, DeltaTek CEO said: “ArticuLock will be deployed in some of the harshest oil and gas drilling environments in the world and we need its components to deliver optimal performance under extreme operating conditions. The geometry of the pivot joint body is complex and Hardide-T provided the only solution that combines the necessary wear properties with ductility and the ability to coat such designs. The Hardide coating delivers in each of these areas and is an important part of the tool’s success in offering significant cost benefits to oil and gas operators worldwide.”
ArticuLock® was successfully field-trialled on the Stena IceMAX, a state-of-the-art harsh environment, ice-class drillship. The tool is expected to be used in regions as varied as the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa and Western Australia.
Tough, ductile and impact resistant coating for use in extremely abrasive and erosive environments
Hardide Coatings
Hardide® is a family of low temperature CVD (chemical vapour deposition) tungsten carbide-based coatings that increase the life of critical metal components operating in abrasive, erosive and chemically aggressive environments. The coatings have a unique combination of abrasion, erosion and chemical resistant properties while being tough, ductile and impact resistant.
Hardide-T has enhanced toughness and is suitable for heavy duty applications in extremely abrasive and erosive environments where a thicker coating (typically 50 microns) is required or in applications involving shock loads where impact resistance is required.
- Coats internal surfaces and complex shapes uniformly due to non line-ofsight process
- No grinding or other expensive finishing operations required due to smooth and uniform surface ‘as coated’
- Easily applied to a wide range of metals including various grades of stainless steel, tool and alloy steels, nickel, cobalt and copper-based alloys and titanium
- Applications include downhole tools, valves, flow control, pumps, sealing and bearing surfaces, heavy duty earth-moving equipment, hydraulics, powder compaction and tool & die
- Industries served include oil and gas, aerospace, petrochemical, valves, pumps, material processing, power generation, steam and industrial gas turbines, industrial production tooling, pulp and paper processing, food manufacturing and motorsport
Customer coatings can be developed for specific requirements. The capability of our in-house technical and engineering teams, and the flexibility of our coatings’ properties allows us to develop coatings for your specific needs.
We can engineer a solution for many complex applications and wear, erosion or corrosion problems that other coating technologies cannot solve e.g: Hardide-A was developed specifically to meet the needs of the aerospace industry and as a direct replacement for hard chrome plating (HCP which faces legislative EU restrictions. Hardide-A matches HCP in thickness (100 microns) and hardness (>800 Hv) and outperforms the material in several key properties including enhanced protection against corrosion, wear and chemically aggressive media. No significant changes are necessary in part dimension or drawings.
We recently developed a coating specifically for a customer who needed high chemical purity and enhanced thermal management properties but not coating hardness. The coating was therefore developed with low hardness, high purity and very low internal stresses to meet this customer’s needs.