目前,Advent Energy正在考虑在澳大利亚海域Sydney Basin的钻井目标应使用哪种类型的钻机。
Asset Energy 公司是Advent Energy旗下的一家独资子公司,并且是MEC Resources 公司的受资方。PEP11由Asset Energy运营,并且Asset Energy持有该区块85%的股份,Bounty Oil & Gas NL公司则持有剩余15%的股份。
MEC Resources公司表示:2015年9月曾对外公布钻井目标;后来又修改了Baleen勘探区的B4-18地震测线上的一个钻井目标,该目标总深度为2150米,与现有生产田类似。
Baleen勘探区的钻井目标位于深度为125米的深水中。目前,Advent Energy正在评估PEP11钻井目标所需钻井机的性能和类型。最终的技术评审将决定是否要钻该井,而且钻井需要进一步筹资或与其他企业合资。
地震勘探将在200,000米的范围内进行,以协助未来的钻井工作,钻井目标大约位于New South Wales州 Newcastle市东南方向30,000米处。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Offshore Energy Today 5月17日消息 编译/赵宁
Advent Energy is currently evaluating what type of rig to use for a drill target in the PEP11 in the Sydney Basin, offshore Australia.
PEP11 is held 85% and operated by Asset Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Advent Energy, an investee entity of MEC Resources. Bounty Oil & Gas NL holds the remaining 15% of PEP11.
According to MEC Resources, a future drill target was announced in September 2015, and a revised drill target on the Baleen prospect on seismic line B4-18 was identified with a total depth of 2150 metres. This target was found to be analogous with existing producing fields, the company said.
Evaluation of the nature and type of rigs potentially available to drill this target in PEP11 is underway. The drilling target at Baleen is in 125 m of water. The decision to drill in the future will be subject to final technical review and will require further fund raising or joint venture.
A seismic survey covering approximately 200 line km is currently being planned to assist in the potential future drilling of this target approximately 30 km south east of Newcastle, New South Wales.
- 赵宁
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业。时刻关注油气行业最新商业动态,以国际权威网站发布的新闻作为原始翻译材料,致力于为您提供国际油气行业最新商业消息,让您紧跟油气行业商业发展的步伐!