Gazprom Neft联合科学研究中心与Yandex.Terra签署协议,将整合力量共同研发进行地震资料处理和解释的国内软件。该合作产品适应于分析俄罗斯地区的多种地质地震条件。
这种伙伴关系不仅是共同处理从Gazprom Neft上游企业中得到的地震资料,还包括为Gazprom Neft联合科研中心的员工组织研讨会。除此之外,该计划还将探讨将Gazprom Neft GeoMate系统与所有已开发的软件进行集成的相关问题。Gazprom Neft技术理事会负责人Mars Khasanov表示:“我们在研制软件方面已有经验,所研制的产品已成功取代了同类进口产品。作为公司技术战略的一部分,软件产品不仅是要在整个公司得到广泛使用,其质量也需不断提高。同Yandeх.Terra公司的合作将提高我们研发电子产品的能力,将不断推动公司电子资产开发项目的实施”。
来自/Worldoil 5月15日消息 编译/吴海君
The Gazprom Neft Joint Scientific and Research Centre has signed a memorandum with Yandex.Terra (Seismotech, Ltd) on joining forces in the development of domestic IT technologies and software for the processing and interpretation of seismic data. Products resulting from this collaboration will be adapted to analyze geo-seismic conditions throughout various regions of Russia.
This partnership envisages the joint processing of seismic data obtained from Gazprom Neft’s upstream assets, as well as organizing seminars for employees at the Gazprom Neft Joint Scientific Research Centre. In addition to this, the initiative will also investigate issues relating to the integration of the proprietary Gazprom Neft GeoMate system with any software developed.
“We are already experienced in creating our own software, used successfully in place of similar imported products,” Mars Khasanov, head of the Gazprom Neft Technology Directorate, said. “Software products developed as part of the company’s Technology Strategy are not only widely used throughout the company, but are also continuously improved. Collaboration with Yandeх.Terra will further enhance our ability to develop new IT products and continue the implementation of the company’s Electronic Asset Development (ERA) project.”
- 吴海君
- 毕业于中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发硕士,英语双学位。第一时间为您提供原创国际油气资讯,真实反映每时每刻新闻热点,秉承国际化视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻。