中国石化新闻网讯 中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU网巴库3月15日消息 保加利亚总理Boyko Borisov表示,保加利亚有兴趣从阿塞拜疆获得更多天然气供应。Borisov指出,在同阿塞拜疆总统会晤期间,讨论了建造一个连接向保加利亚输送10亿立方米天然气的龙头的互连器的问题。 保加利亚希望通过希腊-保加利亚(IGB)互联管道接收阿塞拜疆的天然气,这是一条将与TAP连接的天然气管道。IGB是一条天然气管道,它将允许保加利亚接收阿塞拜疆的天然气。 预计IGB将与TAP相连,从而为流入保加利亚的俄罗斯天然气创造一个替代来源。IGB的初始产能为30亿立方米。实现IGB互连线的总投资成本为2.4亿欧元。 TAP则是南部天然气走廊的一部分,该走廊提供100亿立方米阿塞拜疆天然气,从里海地区经格鲁吉亚和土耳其运往欧洲。保加利亚Bulgargaz已经同阿塞拜疆SOCAR签订了一项合同,从Shah Deniz气田第二期每年交付10亿立方米。 从Shah Deniz 2号进口的阿塞拜疆天然气每年将通过IGB运往保加利亚,将占保加利亚天然气消费量的25-30%左右,这是一个很大的份额,将大大增加保加利亚的能源安全,并促进保加利亚天然气市场的竞争。 此外,在2017年7月SOCAR和Bulgartransgaz签署了谅解备忘录。根据该文件,各方将探讨是否可能向保加利亚并通过保加利亚向东南欧其他国家提供更多的天然气供应。 吴慧丹 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Bulgaria eyes to receive additional gas from Azerbaijan Bulgaria is interested in additional gas supplies from Azerbaijan, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov told, Azernews informed. Borisov noted that during the meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the issue of the construction of an interconnector for connecting to the TAP for the delivery of 1 billion m3 of gas to Bulgaria was discussed. Bulgaria expects to receive Azerbaijani gas through Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), a gas pipeline that will be connected to the TAP. IGB is a gas pipeline which will allow Bulgaria to receive Azerbaijani gas. IGB is expected to be connected to TAP, to create an alternative source to Russian gas flowing to Bulgaria. The initial capacity of IGB will be 3 billion m3 of gas. The total investment cost for the realization of the IGB interconnector amounts to 240 million euros. TAP in turn is a part of the Southern Gas Corridor which provides for the transportation of 10 billion m3 of Azerbaijani gas from the Caspian region through Georgia and Turkey to Europe. Bulgarian Bulgargaz has already concluded a contract with the Azerbaijani SOCAR for the delivery of 1 billion m3 per year from the second phase of Shah Deniz gas field. Azerbaijani gas from Shah Deniz 2, which will be delivered to Bulgaria per year via IGB, will meet about 25-30% of the consumption of gas in Bulgaria, which is a serious share and will significantly increase Bulgaria’s energy security and promote competition on the Bulgarian gas market. In addition, in July 2017, SOCAR and Bulgartransgaz, signed a MoU. According to the document, the parties will explore the possibility of additional gas supplies to Bulgaria and through it to other countries of South-Eastern Europe.