

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网3月13日伊斯兰堡报道,3月12日,巴基斯坦和土库曼斯坦签署了《土库曼斯坦、阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度(塔比/TAPI)天然气管道网络东道国政府协议》的最终文本。 这项协议由巴基斯坦石油部长米安·哈亚丁和土库曼斯坦TPCL Amanov首席执行官签署。据巴基斯坦石油部发表的声明,土库曼斯坦石油部长古兰·汗和外交部长拉希德·梅列多夫也出席了协议最终文本的签字仪式。 梅列多夫评价了他的政府在确保项目的时间表得到满足方面所采取的主动行动。他感谢巴基斯坦对塔比天然气管道项目的大力支持。 土库曼斯坦石油部长与巴基斯坦代表团讨论了土库曼斯坦政府的使巴基斯坦和土库曼斯坦之间的运输和能源走廊通过阿富汗的计划,并铺设平行于管道路线的光纤网络以及考虑将其延伸到中国的可能性。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网 原文如下: Pakistan and Turkmenistan ink final version of TAPI gas accord Neftegaz.RU. Pakistan and Turkmenistan on March 12 signed the final version of the Host Government Agreement on Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India (TAPI) gas pipeline network.
The agreement was signed by the Secretary Petroleum Mian Hayauddin and CEO of TPCL Amanov. According to a statement released from the ministry, Federal Minister for Petroleum Ghulam Khan and Rashid Meredov, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan were also present on the occasion. R.Meredov appraised the minster of his government’s initiatives in ensuring that the timelines of the project were being met. He appreciated the strong support being received by Pakistan towards the TAPI gas pipeline project. The Turkmen minister discussed with the Pakistani delegation his government’s plan to make transport and energy corridor between Pakistan and Turkmenistan via Afghanistan and to lay an optic fiber network parallel to the route of the pipeline and see its possible extension till China.
