中国石化新闻网讯 据基辅《World Oil》3月11日消息,德泰克油气公司的一个子公司以8500万阿联酋(317万美元)的价格,公开拍得了乌克兰东部斯维塔科沃-洛希夫斯基许可证现场地下勘探的特殊许可证。由乌克兰国家地质局组织的这次拍卖是第一次通过Prozorro.Sale 系统在线进行。 特别许可证包括20年内在斯维坦科沃-洛希夫斯基许可证现场进行的地质勘探和随后的油气生产。该场址面积197.5 平方公里,横跨哈尔基夫斯基地区的Chuhuivskyi、Zmiyevskyi和Kharkivskyi区,预计含有石油、天然气和凝析油。 德泰克石油天然气公司首席执行官Igor Schurov:“公开在线拍卖的启动标志着乌克兰石油天然气行业正在进行的改革迈出了重要一步。确保这一许可证是德泰石油天然气公司在哈尔基夫斯卡地区扩大努力的合理步骤。我们计划投资超过3亿阿联酋(1000万美元)用于地质勘探、勘探钻井和地面基础设施。现场的任何生产都将增加我们对乌克兰能源独立的贡献。” 胡晶晶摘译自world oil 原文如下 DTEK Oil & Gas wins Ukraine’s first open auction for subsurface exploration permit Oil Gas Systems, LLC – a subsidiary of DTEK Oil & Gas – has purchased the special permit for subsurface exploration of the Svitankovo-Lohivskyi license site in eastern Ukraine for UAH 85 million ($3.17 million) at open auction. Organized by the State Geological Service of Ukraine, the auction was the first one conducted online through the ProZorro.Sale system. The special permit covers geological exploration and subsequent hydrocarbon production at the Svitankovo-Lohivskyi license site over a 20-year period. The site is 197.5 km2 across the Chuhuivskyi, Zmiyevskyi and Kharkivskyi districts in Kharkivska region and is expected to contain oil, natural gas and gas condensate. Igor Schurov, DTEK Oil&Gas CEO: “The launch of public online auctions marks an important step in ongoing reforms in the Ukrainian oil and gas industry. Securing this permit is a logical step in the expansion of DTEK Oil & Gas’ efforts in Kharkivska region. We have plans to invest over UAH 300 million ($10 million) into geological exploration, exploratory drilling and surface infrastructure. Any production from the site will increase our contribution to the energy independence of Ukraine.”