

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ3月8日休斯顿报道,3月7日纽约市场轻质低硫原油价格上涨,伦敦布伦特原油价格也上涨,尽管有迹象显示全球经济增长放缓。 欧洲央行将2019年经济增长预期从1.7%下调至1.1%。此前,经济合作与发展组织下调了对G20的增长预测。 PVM 石油公司公司分析师Stephen Brennock对《华尔街日报》表示:“总而言之,全球经济的利好因素越来越少,这只会令石油需求前景更加黯淡。” 能源价格 纽约商品交易所4月份轻质低硫原油期货合约价格上涨44美分,3月7日收于56.66美元/桶。5月份交割的合约价格也上涨了41美分,至每桶57.03美元。 纽交所4月份的天然气价格上涨2美分,3月7日收于2.86美元/百万英国热量单位。 4月份,超低硫柴油价格下跌不到1美分,仍然维持在每加仑2.01美元。纽约商品交易所4月份重新调配的混合汽油库存上涨1美分,至每加仑1.80美元。 5月份交割的布伦特原油期货价格上涨31美分,至每桶66.30美元,6月份交割的原油期货价格上涨29美分,至每桶66.26美元。 3月份的天然气和石油合约价格在3月7日上涨2.25美元,至每吨622.25美元。 3月7日,欧佩克一篮子原油的平均价格为每桶65.57美元,上涨53美分。 孔丽炜 摘译自OGJ 原文如下: MARKET WATCH: NYMEX, Brent crude oil prices gain modestly Light, sweet crude oil prices gained on the New York market Mar. 7 as did Brent crude oil prices in London despite indicators of weakening world economic growth. The European Central Bank cut its 2019 growth forecast to 1.1% from 1.7%. Previously, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development downgraded its growth forecasts for the G20. “All in all, positives are increasingly in short supply for the world economy, and this will only serve to darken the outlook for oil demand,” Stephen Brennock, PVM Oil Associates Ltd. analyst, told the Wall Street Journal. On Energy prices The April contract for light, sweet crude oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange increased 44¢ to settle at $56.66/bbl on Mar. 7. The contract for May delivery also increased 41¢ to settle at $57.03/bbl. NYMEX natural gas for April increased 2¢ to a rounded $2.86/MMbtu on Mar. 7. Ultralow-sulfur diesel for April decreased less than 1¢ to remain at $2.01/gal. The NYMEX reformulated gasoline blendstock for April gained 1¢ to a rounded $1.80/gal. Brent crude for May delivery gained 31¢ to $66.30/bbl while the June contract increased 29¢ to settle at $66.26/bbl. The gas oil contract for March gained $2.25 to $622.25/tonne on Mar. 7. The average price for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ basket of crudes was $65.57/bbl on Mar. 7, up 53¢.  
