

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价3月6日报道称,美国超级巨头埃森克美孚周三在投资者日的发布会上表示,该公司预计,从2019年至2020年的盈利将增长超过40亿美元。 在2018年,埃克森美孚利润实现208亿美元,较2017年增长 6%。尽管其下游业务利润率下降,第四季度油价下跌,但埃森克美孚2018年全年的运营活动现金流从2017年的300亿美元跃升至360亿美元。该公司表示,2018年的运营现金流量是2014年以来的最高水平。 根据今天的报道,埃克森美孚预计,即使在价格稳定的环境下,其未来几年的盈利,现金流和回报率也会增长。该公司表示,预计2019年至2020年的现金流量将继续增加50亿美元以上。 在上游,埃克森美孚将重点关注五个“杰出”开发项目 –页岩气领域的二叠纪,深水领域的圭亚那和巴西,以及液化天然气(LNG)领域的巴布亚新几内亚和莫桑比克。 徐蕾 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Exxon Sees Earnings Rising By Over $4B Through 2020 ExxonMobil expects its earnings to grow by more than US$4 billion from 2019 to 2020, the U.S. supermajor said in its Investor Day presentation on Wednesday. In 2018, Exxon booked earnings of US$20.8 billion, up by 6 percent compared to 2017. Despite weaker margins in the downstream and the drop in oil prices in Q4, Exxon’s full-year 2018 cash flow from operating activities jumped to US$36 billion from US$30 billion for 2017. The 2018 cash flow from operations was the highest since 2014, the company said. According to today’s presentation, Exxon expects its earnings, cash flow, and return profile to grow in coming years even in a flat price environment. Cash flow is expected to also continue to increase, by more than US$5 billion from 2019 to 2020, the company says. In the upstream, Exxon will focus on five “outstanding” developments—the Permian in the shale business, Guyana and Brazil in deepwater, and Papua New Guinea and Mozambique in liquefied natural gas (LNG).  
