

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社2019年3月6日报道,在加拿大油价暴跌重创该国能源行业以后,Pengrowth 能源公司时下正在考虑出售自己。 Pengrowth 能源公司周三在一份声明中说,作为战略评估的一部分,这家总部位于卡尔加里的油气勘探公司正在考虑出售、合并或与其他业务合并。该公司表示将寻求改善公司资产负债表的方法并解决即将到期的债务问题。Pengrowth 能源公司股票一度下跌了29%,至51加拿大分 (合38美分),为有记录以来的最大跌幅。 Pengrowth 能源公司执行官Pete Sametz在声明中称,加拿大原油价格在去年第四季度对美国原油价格的折价幅度不断扩大。 加拿大石油生产商在2018年末新产量的冲击下,受到该国原油价格历史性暴跌的打击。11月,该地区基准原油——加拿大西部选择原油的价格跌至创纪录低点,促使艾伯塔省开始减产。从那以后,油价开始反弹,但由于缺乏管道输送能力,加拿大的原油供应一直低于美国。
CIBC World Markets的分析师杰米•库比克表示,Pengrowth 能源公司可能选择了错误时间来探索出售。 李峻 编译自 Platts 原文如下: Canadian Oil Price Collapse has Driller Mulling a Sale Pengrowth Energy Corp. is considering selling itself as the driller moves to lighten its debt load following a collapse in Canadian oil prices that pummeled the nation’s energy industry. The Calgary-based explorer is weighing a sale, merger or other business combination as part of a strategic review, which it said will look for ways to improve the company’s balance sheet and address upcoming debt maturities, the company said Wednesday in a statement. Shares fell as much as 29 percent to 51 Canadian cents (38 U.S. cents), the most on record. Canadian crude’s growing discount in the fourth quarter to the U.S. benchmark “created an extremely cautious atmosphere in the financial markets,” Chief Executive Officer Pete Sametz said in the statement. The subsequent recovery in prices “is expected to be constructive for our first quarter results and refinancing and strategic initiatives.” Canadian oil producers were battered by a historic collapse in the prices of the nation’s crude amid an onslaught of new production late in 2018. Western Canada Select, the regional benchmark, fell to a record low in November, prompting Alberta to institute output cuts. Prices have rebounded since, but a lack of pipeline capacity has kept Canadian supply trading at a discount to American barrels. Pengrowth may have picked the wrong time to explore a sale, according to Jamie Kubik, an analyst at CIBC World Markets.  
