

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年3月1日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯能源部长亚历山大·诺瓦克周五在莫斯科接受俄罗斯Prime通讯社记者采访时表示,参加原油减产协议的欧佩克成员国和非欧佩克产油国迄今尚未决定是否把减产协议延长至今年上半年以后,他们需要进行进一步分析。 诺瓦克在被问及OPEC+减产协议是否会被延长时说:“这个问题迄今还没有答案。首先,这是一个部长级决定,不能在巴库会议上做出。” 由欧佩克和非欧佩克六个主要产油国组成的市场监督委员会将于3月18日在巴库举行会议。 本周早些时候,沙特阿拉伯能源大臣法利赫表示,他“倾向于今年下半年延长期限的可能性”,不过他补充称,欧佩克将确保“市场不会出现不必要的紧缩”。 诺瓦克星期五说:“目前的减产协议刚刚实施两个月,评估是否有必要延长减产协议还为时过早。我们需要看看第一和第二季度事态将如何发展以及夏秋两季的预测。太早宣布评估结果是不专业的。” 李峻 编译自 Platts 原文如下: Russian energy minister says no decision yet on whether to extend OPEC+ deal: report Russian energy minister Alexander Novak said Friday that OPEC and non-OPEC countries taking part in the crude production cut deal have yet to decide whether to extend the deal beyond the first half of 2019, and need to conduct further analysis, Russian news agency Prime reported. When asked if the deal may be extended, Novak said: “There is no answer to this question yet…Firstly it is a ministerial decision and it cannot be taken [at the meeting] in Baku,” according to the report. A key six-country OPEC/non-OPEC market monitoring committee co-chaired Novak and his Saudi counterpart Khalid al-Falih will meet March 18 in Baku. Earlier this week, Falih said he was “leaning toward the likelihood of an extension in the second half [of 2019],” though he added that the bloc would ensure “no unnecessary tightening in the market.” Novak said Friday that only two months into the current agreement it is too early to assess whether an extension is necessary. “We need to look at how events will develop over the first and second quarters, and the forecasts for the summer and fall periods. It’s unprofessional to pronounce assessments too early,” Novak said, according to the report.  
