

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网2月27日巴格达报道,伊拉克独立报纸《al-Mashriq》2月27日报道,俄罗斯在伊拉克油气领域的投资已超过100亿美元。 《华尔街日报》援引俄罗斯驻伊拉克大使马克西莫夫的话报道说:“据我所知,俄罗斯公司不打算止步于这一投资规模。” 他说:“俄罗斯第2大石油公司卢克石油公司(Lukoil)在巴士拉的西古尔纳-2油田在2014年3月开始采油,日产量达到了40万桶。”马克西莫夫说,卢克石油公司时下正在伊拉克南部的穆萨纳省和迪卡尔省继续另一个石油项目。 这位俄罗斯驻伊拉克大使说,俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司还参与了位于伊拉克东部瓦西特省的巴德拉油田的建设。 伊拉克的经济严重依赖原油出口,原油出口占到该国财政收入的90%以上。2017年,伊拉克宣布其已探明石油储量从之前估计的1431亿桶增加到了1530亿桶。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气 原文如下: Russia’s oil and gas investments in Iraq exceed $10 billion Neftegaz.RU. The Russian investments in the Iraqi oil and gas sector have amounted to more than $10 billion, the independent Iraqi al-Mashriq newspaper reported on February 27.
?As far as I know, the Russian companies intend not to stop at this investment volume,? Russian Ambassador to Iraq Maksim Maksimov was quoted by the newspaper as saying. ?Russia’s Lukoil project in the field West Qurna 2, in Basra, which began to extract oil in March 2014, reached 400,000 barrels per day,? he said. Lukoil is continuing another oil project in the provinces of Muthanna and Dhi Qar in southern Iraq, Maksimov added. Another Russian company Gazprom ?is also involved in the implementation of the Badra oil field in Iraq’s eastern province of Wasit,? the ambassador noted. Iraq’s economy relies heavily on crude oil exports, which account for more than 90 % of the country’s revenues. In 2017, Iraq announced that its proven oil reserves increased to 153 billion barrels from a previously estimated 143.1 billion barrels.  
