

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU基辅2月25日消息称,乌克兰石油天然气公司投资委员会批准了一项投标在哈尔科夫地区的Khrestyshchenskoye气田建设一个深层开采碳氢化合物的工厂。 正如预期的那样,在不久的将来,也就是2019年2月底3月初,该油田的运营商Ukrgasdobycha将宣布对总承包商的招标。到目前为止,该项目的技术和经济可行性已经准备就绪,工作项目的创建,设备的交付和后续安装以及调试工作即将开始。 本项目采用液化石油气的生产方式,设计产能可达10万吨/年。正如预期的那样,乌克兰将在2020年开始生产。 回想一下,在2018年,Ukrgasdobycha开采了16.5万吨液化石油气,该公司包括5个生产设施:Bazilevshchina、Yablunevka、Shebelinsk、Timofeevka和Yulievka。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Ukraine is going to build a plant for the production of LPG Kiev, Neftegaz.RU. The Investment Council of Naftogaz of Ukraine sanctioned a tender for the construction of an installation for the in-depth extraction of hydrocarbons at the Khrestyshchenskoye gas field located in the Kharkiv region. As expected, in the near future, namely at the end of February – beginning of March 2019, the operator of the field, Ukrgasdobycha, will announce a tender for the selection of a general contractor. To date, the technical and economic feasibility of the project is ready, the creation of a working project, the delivery and subsequent installation of equipment, and commissioning will soon begin. The current project assumes the production of liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ) with a design capacity of up to 100 thousand tons / year. As expected, Ukraine will start production in 2020. Recall that in 2018, Ukrgasdobycha released LPG in the amount of 165 thousand tons – the company includes 5 production facilities: in Bazilevshchina, Yablunevka, Shebelinsk, Timofeevka and Yulievka.
