

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网2月20日阿斯塔纳报道,哈萨克斯坦能源部长卡纳特·博兹巴耶夫在20日举行的Majilis会议上表示,哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦将成立能源合作协调委员会。 《哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦政府关于能源合作的框架协议》规定建立能源合作协调委员会来考虑双边能源合作。哈萨克能源部长博兹巴耶夫补充说:“我们认为,考虑到这种合作方式将有助于解决双边石油、天然气、石化产品贸易和能源领域的许多问题,这样一个能源合作协调委员会将有助于促进两国的进一步合作。” 博兹巴耶夫在Majilis介绍法律草案时表示,乌兹别克斯坦准备每年购买多达200万吨哈萨克斯坦石油。 哈萨克斯坦在2018年向乌兹别克斯坦提供了超过26万吨的石油。 博兹巴耶夫补充说,哈萨克斯坦准备通过肯基亚克-库姆科尔管道,然后通过铁路油罐车从沙吉尔站向乌兹别克斯坦进一步供应石油。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网 原文如下: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to set up Energy Cooperation Council Neftegaz.RU. «Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to set up Energy Cooperation Coordination Council,» Kazakh Energy Minister Kanat Bozumbayev told at today’s Majilis meeting, Kazinform reported.
«The framework agreement between the Governments of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on energy cooperation provides for building the Coordination Council to consider bilateral energy cooperation. In our opinion, such a council will contribute to boosting further cooperation of the 2 states, taking into consideration that such an approach will let address many issues within bilateral trade of petroleum, gas, petrochemical products and in the sphere of energy,» Kazakh Minister of Energy added. Uzbekistan is ready to buy up to 2mn tonnes of Kazakh oil every year, according to him. «Kazakhstan supplied more than 260,000 tonnes of oil to Uzbekistan in 2018,» said Bozumbayev while presenting the draft law in the Majilis. Kanat Bozumbayev added that Kazakhstan was ready to further supply oil to Uzbekistan via Kenkiyak-Kumkol pipeline and then by rail tankers from Shagyr station.  
