

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界能源新闻网2019年2月20日伦敦报道,根据矿业和贸易巨头嘉能可的年度业绩报告,嘉能可去年石油总交易量同比下降了17%,平均石油日交易量下降到了466万桶。 其中原油日交易量降幅更大,为22%,至258万桶,成品油日交易量同比下降了11%,至208万桶。 报告说:“布伦特原油价格曲线回落至期货溢价水平,而在今年大部分时间里,该曲线都处于顺向回补状态。与2017年相比,2018年的反向原油结构对嘉能可的交易量产生了抑制作用。” 李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻 原文如下: Glencore’s 2018 Oil Trade Volume dips 17 pct Glencore’s overall traded oil volumes fell 17 percent year-on-year in 2018 to 4.66 million barrels per day (bpd), according to the mining and trading firm’s annual results.
Crude saw the bigger decline of 22 percent to 2.58 million bpd, while refined products were down 11 percent at 2.08 million bpd year-on-year
“The Brent curve dropped back into contango, when for most of the year it was comfortably backwardated. The backward crude structure in 2018 compared to 2017 had a dampening effect on our traded volumes,” the report said.  
