

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月20日迪拜报道,根据壳牌公司的一封电邮声明,阿曼和超级主力壳牌公司已于2019年签署了一项开发6区天然气面积的临时协议。 该协议包括对石油和天然气的投资,以及将用于阿曼国内项目的资源。阿曼石油开发公司、阿曼石油公司和道达尔公司也作为合作伙伴签署了该协议。 该协议将把壳牌和阿曼石油的上游项目,与计划共同开发的天然气液化工厂整合起来。 壳牌去年与阿曼政府签署了一份谅解备忘录,在Duqm开发了一家GTL工厂。 壳牌驻阿曼董事长克里斯•布雷兹(Chris Breeze)表示:“我们希望,为这些综合项目开发天然气资源,将在创造国内价值和实现阿曼经济多元化方面发挥重要作用。” 阿曼的天然气资源正在迅速枯竭,需要开发新的资源来满足日益增长的国内电力需求。今年1月,阿曼与英国石油(BP)和埃尼集团(Eni)签署了新的勘探和生产协议,以支撑新的储量。 目前,阿曼是天然气出口国,通过其阿曼液化天然气出口部门销售国内资源。但它也在考虑进口这种燃料的计划。 尹路 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Oman, Shell sign interim upstream gas deal Oman and supermajor Shell have signed an interim deal to develop gas acreage in block 6 in 2019, according to an emailed statement from Shell. The agreement covers investments in oil and gas and resources are to be used for domestic Omani projects. Petroleum Development Oman, Oman Oil Company and Total also signed the deal as partners. The deal will integrate Shell and Oman Oil’s upstream project with a planned gas-to-liquids plant that Shell and Oman Oil will also co-develop. Shell last year signed a memorandum of understanding with the Omani government to develop a GTL plant in Duqm. “We hope that the development of gas resources destined for the integrated projects will play an important role in generating in-country value and diversifying Oman’s economy,” Chris Breeze, chairman of Shell in Oman said. Oman’s gas resources are rapidly depleting and new resources will need to be exploited to meet rising domestic electricity demand. Oman in January signed new exploration and production deals with BP and Eni to shore up fresh reserves. At the moment, Oman is a gas exporter and sells domestic resources through its Oman LNG export arm. But it has also mulled plans to import the fuel.  
