

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯网2月18日休斯顿报道,墨西哥聚乙烯生产商Braskem Idesa周五表示,该公司正在推动建设一个专用的乙烷进口终端和其他项目,以解决该地区长期存在的原料短缺问题。 此举出台之际,国有的墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)仍在继续处理生产和开采问题,这些问题导致Braskem Idesa供应不足,并削减了旗下工厂的生产。 “墨西哥石化行业缺乏乙烷,无法立即从生产方面解决短缺问题。”业务发展主管Cleantho de Paiva Leite Filho说。“那么,短期内你能做些什么呢?例如,构建或扩展导入终端。” Leite还提到了更多以墨西哥现有资源为中心的长期解决方案,但他表示,这些选择——如上游投资和更新现有的天然气加工基础设施——将需要更长的时间,并可能带来更高的成本。 Leite表示,Pemex将是未来任何选择的关键参与者,并补充称,这家国有能源生产商已经在采取措施,长期弥补乙烷短缺。 Pemex官员没有回应记者的多次置评请求,不过Leite表示,该公司已接受该进口终端项目。因此,Braskem Idesa“有信心在全国范围内解决这一缺口”, Leite补充说。 孔丽炜 摘译自普氏能源资讯网 原文如下: Braskem Idesa seeks import terminal to address ethane shortage in Mexico Mexican polyethylene producer Braskem Idesa is pushing for construction of a dedicated ethane import terminal and other projects to address the long-standing shortage of feedstock in the region, a company official said Friday. The push comes as state-owned Pemex continues to deal with production and extraction issues, which have led to a shortfall in supplies to Braskem Idesa as well as curtailed production at its own plants. “The Mexican petrochemical industry is short on ethane, and the shortfall cannot be solved immediately from a production side,” Director of Business Development Cleantho de Paiva Leite Filho said. “So what can you do short term? Build or expand the import terminal, for one.” Leite also mentioned more long-term solutions centered on Mexico’s existing resources, but said those options — such as upstream investments and updating existing gas processing infrastructure — would take much longer and potentially come with higher costs. Pemex would be a key player in any options going forward, Leite said, adding that the state-owned energy producer was already taking steps to remedy the ethane shortfall long term. Pemex officials did not respond to multiple requests for comment, although Leite said the company has been receptive to the import terminal project. As a result, Braskem Idesa “is confident that this country-wide shortfall will be resolved,” Leite added. –Phillipe Craig, phillipe.craig@spglobal.com –Edited by Pankti Mehta, pankti.mehta1@spglobal.com  
