

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社2月18日消息,由于贸易的乐观情绪以及沙特阿拉伯全球最大海上油田通过停产来收紧供应的影响,石油交易量接近去年11月以来的最高水平。 纽约期货价格继上周上涨5.4%后,一度又上涨了1%。与此同时,据说沙特正在修复一条损坏的电缆,这条电缆限制了萨法尼亚油田的产量。 由于沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯承诺扩大减产,今年的原油价格飙升了约24%,这也缓解了对美国创纪录的产量将导致全球原油供应过剩的担忧。这进一步提升了投资者的风险偏好。 在欧佩克及其盟国加速执行去年12月达成的减产协议之际,对贸易战加剧全球经济放缓的担忧正在逐渐消退。欧佩克组织在报告中称,新一轮石油供应削减行动开局强劲,沙特承诺将减产幅度降至商定水平以上。 程张翔 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: Oil Trades Near Highest Level Since November Oil traded near the highest leveland as an outage at the world’s largest offshore field in Saudi Arabia signaled tightening supply. Futures in New York rose as much as 1 percent after advancing 5.4 percent last week.  The Saudis, meanwhile, were said to be repairing a damaged power cable that’s curbed output at the Safaniyah field. Crude’s surged about 24 percent this year as Saudi Arabia and Russia pledged to expand their output cuts, easing concerns that record U.S. production would result in a global glut. Worries about the trade war worsening a global slowdown are receding at a time when OPEC and its allies are accelerating their implementation of the oil-production cuts agreed in December. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries reported a strong start to the latest round of supply reductions, with the Saudis pledging to cut beyond agreed levels.  
