

中国石化新闻网讯 据全球钻井新闻网2019年2月11日休斯顿报道,根据德克萨斯独立生产商和特许权所有者协会(TIPRO)周一发布的一份报告,美国油气行业在2018年雇佣了88.0681万名专业人士,同比增加了5.4%。 TIPRO在其第四版《能源状况报告》(State of Energy Report)中还总结道,2018年,美国油气行业就业人员的全国年平均工资为11.2712万美元,是私营部门平均工资的两倍多。此外,TIPRO还表示,2018年美国油气行业990亿美元的工资总额比前一年增加了6%。此外,该协会还表示,美国油气行业去年购买了5300多亿美元的美国商品和服务。 TIPRO称,2018年油气就业人数最多的州是德克萨斯州,拥有35.2371万个就业岗位,占同期全国油气就业岗位的40%。TIPRO还说,德克萨斯州去年增加了2.6706万个石油和天然气工作岗位,是所有州中增加最多的。TIPRO还注意到,石油和天然气就业人数增长前五名的其他州包括:
•新墨西哥- 3626个
•北达科他州- 2808个
•科罗拉多州- 2282个 李峻 编译自 全球钻井新闻网 原文如下: US Oil and Gas Employment Up 5.4% in 2018 The U.S. oil and gas industry employed 880,681 professionals in 2018, up 5.4 percent from the previous year, according to a report issued Monday by the Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO). In 2018, the U.S. oil and gas industry paid a national annual wage averaging $112,712 – more than double average private-sector wages, TIPRO also concluded in the fourth edition of its “State of Energy Report.” Moreover, TIPRO stated that the U.S. oil and gas industry’s $99 billion payroll for 2018 was 6 percent higher than the previous year’s figure. Also, the organization stated that the industry purchased more than $530 billion in U.S. goods and services last year. The top state in terms of oil and gas employment in 2018 was Texas, boasting 352,371 jobs and accounting for 40 percent of all oil and gas jobs nationwide during the period, TIPRO stated. The organization added that Texas’ addition of 26,706 oil and gas jobs last year marks the largest gain for any state. It also noted that the remaining states in the top five for oil and gas employment growth included: •Oklahoma – 5,266 new jobs in 2018 •New Mexico – 3,626 •North Dakota – 2,808 •Colorado – 2,282 “The Texas oil and gas industry has remained a cornerstone of the economy providing high-paying career opportunities, as well as significant taxes and royalty payments made to state, local and federal government entities,” Eugene Garcia, president of Hurd Enterprises and the chairman of TIPRO, said in a written statement emailed to Rigzone. “The favorable business environment, environmental stewardship and science-based approach to regulatory oversight in Texas is a model for all oil and gas-producing states.”  
