

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站2019年2月10日多哈报道,卡塔尔计划到2023年把本国液化天然气(LNG)年产量提高到1.1亿吨。 Mubasher的一份报告援引卡塔尔液化天然气公司(QatarGas)首席执行官的话表示,有许多LNG项目正在执行之中,但仍无法满足全球对LNG日益增长的需求。 QatarGas是世界上最大的LNG生产商,运营着14条LNG生产线,LNG年总生产能力高达7700万吨。 第4条LNG生产线将进一步提升卡塔尔作为全球最大LNG生产国和出口国的领先地位。去年宣布的扩建项目完工后,卡塔尔的LNG年产能到2023年将达到1.1亿吨,比目前的7700万吨年产能增长43%左右。 2018年,卡塔尔两大LNG生产商QatarGas和拉斯拉凡液化天然气公司(RasGas)宣布合并。 QatarGas拥有一支由25艘特制常规船只、31艘Q-Flex和14艘Q-Max长期包租的船队,可分别运输21万立方米和26.6万立方米的LNG。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Qatar’s LNG to Reach 110 MTPA Qatar plans to raise its liquefied natural gas (LNG) production to 110 million tonnes per year by 2023.
A report in Mubasher cited Qatargas’ CEO saying that there are many LNG projects under execution but they still do not meet the rising demands.
Qatargas, the largest LNG producer in the world, operates 14 production trains, with a total annual production capacity of 77 million tonnes.
The fourth liquefaction train will further boost Qatar’s leading position as the world’s largest LNG producer and exporter. When the expansion project, which was announced last year, is completed, Qatar’s LNG production capacity will reach 110 million tonnes per annum (MTPA), an increase of around 43 percent from its current production capacity of 77MTPA.
In 2018, the merger of LNG producers Qatargas and RasGas was announced.
Qatargas has a fleet of 25 purpose-built conventional vessels as well as 31 Q-Flex and 14 Q-Max on long-term charter which can transport 210,000 cubic metres and 266,000 cubic metres of LNG, respectively.  
