

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月5日消息,埃克森美孚加拿大子公司帝国石油公司本月将把从来自于加拿大阿尔伯塔省、经由铁路向美国出口的原油数量减少至接近于零。 帝国石油公司首席执行长Richard Kruger表示,公司1月份经由铁路日均向美国炼油厂运送了大约9万桶原油。Kruger称,受阿尔伯塔省去年12月份下达的减产令影响,最近加拿大西部重质原油价格飙升,这意味着通过铁路运输那里的原油成本过于高昂。 据美国能源情报署(EIA)的数据显示,截至1月25日的一周,加拿大日均向美国出口原油354万桶。帝国石油公司的日均出口量相当于其中的约2%。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Imperial Oil Rolls Back U.S.-Bound Exports, Citing Surge in Cost Exxon Mobil Corp.’s Canadian unit Imperial Oil Ltd. is scaling back the amount of U.S.-bound oil it ships by rail from the province of Alberta to nearly zero this month. The company shipped an average of roughly 90,000 barrels a day by rail to U.S. refineries in January, Imperial Chief Executive Richard Kruger said during a conference call Friday. A recent surge in the price of western Canadian heavy crude — fueled by an Alberta-mandated production cut unveiled in December — means it has become too expensive to ship that oil on trains, Mr. Kruger said. The move represents about 2% of the 3.54 million daily average barrels Canada exported to the U.S. for the week ending Jan. 25, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  
