据Neftegaz.RU休斯顿1月31日消息称,2018年,康菲石油公司实现净利润62.57亿美元,而2017年亏损8.55亿美元。 按每股计算,摊薄后的收益为5.32美元,而2017年的亏损为0.7美元。康菲石油高额利润即将到期,包括出售BP在英国设得兰群岛以西mestorozhden Clair的股权,该公司2018年的营收增长18.8%,达到387.27亿美元。报告期内康菲石油的油气产量与2017年相比下降了7.3%,达到128.3万桶油当量/天。 2018年第四季度,该公司实现净利润18.68亿美元,同比增长18.3%。按每股计算,利润为1.61美元,而2017年同期为1.32美元。该公司季度营收达到103.61亿美元,比2017年增长18.6%。在报告期内,康菲石油的油气产量增长了8%,达到135.7万桶油当量/天。 康菲石油公司预计,2019年公司的油气产量将达到1.3-1.35亿桶油当量/天。与此同时,该公司预计2019年第一季度产量将达到1.29-1.33亿桶/天。到2018年底,初步探明储量为53亿桶。。 康菲石油公司成立于1917年,总部位于德克萨斯州休斯顿。该公司在16个国家开展勘探活动。公司现有员工约10.8万人。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Profit ConocoPhillips in 2018 amounted to 6.3 billion US dollars Houston, Neftegaz.RU. In 2018, ConocoPhillips made a net profit of $ 6.257 billion against a loss of $ 855 million in 2017. In terms of one share, diluted earnings were $ 5.32 against a loss of $ 0.7 in 2017. The high profit of ConocoPhillips is due, incl. the sale of BP’s participation in mestorozhden Clair west of the Shetland Islands in the UK,The company’s revenue for 2018 increased by 18.8%, to 38.727 billion US dollars. The production of hydrocarbons ConocoPhillips in the reporting period decreased by 7.3% compared with 2017 and amounted to 1.283 million boe / day. In the 4th quarter of 2018, the company received a net profit of $ 1.868 billion, which is 18.3% more than in the same period of 2017 (YoY). In terms of one share, the profit amounted to $ 1.61 against $ 1.32 for the same period in 2017 earlier. The company’s revenue in the reporting quarter reached 10.361 billion US dollars, which is 18.6% more than in 2017. The production of hydrocarbons ConocoPhillips in the reporting period grew by 8%, to 1.357 million boe / day. ConocoPhillips predicts that in 2019 the company’s hydrocarbon production will be 1.3-1.35 million boe / day. At the same time, in the 1 st quarter of 2019, the company expects production at the level of 1.29-1.33 million boe / day. Preliminary proven reserves at the end of 2018 are 5.3 billion boe. ConocoPhillips was founded in 1917 and is based in Houston, Texas. Carries out activities in 16 countries. The number of employees is about 10.8 thousand people.