NOV的Tolteq 系列工具得到了补充,定向钻井作业能力进一步提升!
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NOV(国民油井华高)的Tolteq TruVertical是一种简单可靠的垂直监控系统,可以获得重要的测量信息,包括井斜角、方位角以及工具面方向。在作业中如果与NOV的Tool Tracker系统集成,可获取工具历史日志以及环境数据。固件更新可确保工具在全寿命周期内持续改进。TruVertical工具还具有可扩展性,用户可添加伽马以获得更多井下信息。该工具坚固的设计,使其可承受井下严重的冲击与振动。
相比于传统工具,Tolteq TruVertical的特点与优势鲜明,包括:1提供重要的信息,如井斜角、方位角、工具面、井深、电池电压、地层倾角、重力、磁场、温度、冲击以及振动;2与Tool Tracker系统集成,可获取记录的工具历史以及环境数据;3可添加伽马射线测量工具,以获得更多井下信息;4可承受井下严重的冲击与振动;5能够适应未来的固件更新,可确保工具处于最新状态。
该开发商选择了NOV的TruVertical无人系统作为解决方案,只需定向井工程师,缩小了井队作业人员规模。结合TruVertical工具与7/8 5.0 Vector钻进马达,能够将井眼从1071米处的5.85度导向至完钻井深(1194米)的3.74度,同时保持垂直井眼至目标层位。
转向工具产品经理Ozzy Silva指出:“我们很高兴看到Tolteq系列产品的持续成功。TruVertical工具与垂直监测标准工具截然不同,因为它被设计为无人系统。这意味着我们可以减少现场人员数量,提高安全性并降低成本。”
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We recently achieved success with a major operator in India with our Tolteq™ TruVertical™ tool. The client needed to monitor and directionally steer a vertical well to less than 4° where previous wells had deviated due to geological disturbances. Conventional methods such as stabilizer placement, controlled RPM, and WOB parameters had previously proven unsuccessful. The client selected our TruVertical unmanned system as a solution, reducing the crew size to only the required directional driller. The TruVertical tool was paired with our 7/8 5.0 Vector™ drilling motor, allowing the client to steer the well back towards vertical from 5.85° at 1071 m to 3.74° at total depth (1194 m) while maintaining a vertical well profile and successfully reaching the target zone.
“We’re excited to see the continued success of our Tolteq product line,” noted Ozzy Silva, product line manager for drift tools. “The TruVertical tool is notably different from typical vertical monitoring tools because it’s designed to operate as an unmanned system. That means we can reduce the amount of people at the rigsite, improving safety and reducing costs.”
The TruVertical️ tool is a simple and reliable vertical monitoring system that provides access to valuable directional information, including inclination, azimuth, and toolface. The intelligent user interface design, simple rig up, and easy operating procedure helps the operator minimize the dependency on the service provider for vertical or simple directional wells. Visit our TruVertical tool product page to learn more about how you can reduce your operating costs when drilling vertical or low-angle well sections.
The Tolteq™ TruVertical™ tool is a simple and reliable vertical monitoring system that provides access to valuable survey information, including inclination, azimuth, and toolface. Integration with the Tool Tracker™ system allows access to logged tool history and environmental data. Firmware updates ensure continuous improvement throughout the life cycle of the tool. The TruVertical ️tool is expandable, allowing the user to add gamma for additional visibility, and the rugged design withstands the shock and vibration of harsh downhole environments.
- Provides access to valuable information, including: inclination, azimuth, toolface, depth, battery voltage, dip angle, gravity, magnetic field, temperature, shock, and vibration
- Integrates with Tool Tracker to access logged tool history and environmental data
- The ability to add gamma enables additional visibility
- Handles the shock and vibration of harsh downhole environments
- Future firmware updates ensure the tool is kept up-to-date