

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社报道,美国能源企业本周首次增加了今年运营的石油钻塔数量,但今年1月的钻塔数量是 2 0 1 6 年4月以来一个月内下降最多的一次, 随着美国最大的页岩油地层二叠纪的繁荣, 石油产量却出现了“降温”。 能源服务公司贝克休斯在上周五公布的一份报告中称,截至1月25日的一周内,能源企业增加了10座石油钻塔,使总数量升至862座。 美国超过一半的石油钻塔都在该国最大的页岩油地层——二叠纪盆地。该地区现役钻塔本周增加3座,至484座,远低于去年11月近四年高点的493座。 本月,能源企业削减了23座石油钻塔,这是2016年4月以来削减数量最多的一个月。在过去的两个月里,他们在去年11月增加了12座,在去年12月削减了2座石油钻塔。 美国石油钻塔的数量是衡量未来产量的早期指标,而今年的数量高于一年前的水平(去年当时有759台钻塔处于活跃状态),原因是能源企业为获取更高的价格投入了更多资金。 不过,在2019年,能源企业表示他们计划削减钻塔,部分原因是预计原油价格将低于去年。 根据美国能源信息署(EIA)本周的预测,预计今年2月,美国7个主要页岩地层的石油产量将升至创纪录的每天820万桶。但EIA预计2月份的二叠纪产量增幅将是2018年5月(当时产量略有下降)以来最小的一个月。 近几个月来,由于石油价格暴跌,石油产量激增,超过了管道运输能力,使该地区的石油储备陷入困境,二叠纪的石油产量受到了压力。 据路透社专栏作家John Kemp称,今年美国页岩繁荣将降温,去年晚些时候价格的下跌(影响钻探通常需要3-4个月)可能会在2019年下半年开始放缓产量增长。 据贝克休斯表示,本周美国共有1059座活跃的石油和天然气钻塔。大多数钻塔同时生产石油和天然气。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: U.S. drillers add rigs this week, but cut most in a month since 2016: Baker Hughes U.S. energy firms this week increased the number of oil rigs operating for the first time this year but the rig count in January fell the most in a month since April 2016, as the boom in the Permian, the nation’s biggest shale oil formation, cools. Drillers added 10 oil rigs in the week to Jan. 25, bringing the total count to 862, General Electric Co’s Baker Hughes energy services firm said in its closely followed report on Friday. More than half the total U.S. oil rigs are in the Permian where active units rose by three this week to 484, well short of a near four-year high of 493 in November. For the month, drillers cut 23 rigs in January, the most removed in a month since April 2016. Over the past two months, they pulled two rigs in December and added 12 in November. The U.S. rig count, an early indicator of future output, is still much higher than a year ago when 759 rigs were active after energy companies boosted spending in 2018 to capture higher prices that year. In 2019, however, drillers have said they plan to remove rigs due in part to forecasts for lower crude prices than last year. U.S. oil output from seven major shale formations is expected to rise to a record high 8.2 million barrels per day in February, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projections this week. But the EIA said it expects the increase in Permian production for February to be the smallest in a month since May 2018, when output fell slightly. Output from the Permian has come under pressure in recent months as oil prices crashed and a production surge there outpaced pipeline capacity, trapping barrels in the region. The U.S. shale boom is set to cool this year, according to Reuters columnist John Kemp. A decline in prices late last year, which usually takes three-four months to impact drilling, will likely start to slow production growth during the second half of 2019. There were 1,059 oil and natural gas rigs active in the United States this week, according to Baker Hughes. Most rigs produce both oil and gas.​  
