

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界钻井新闻网2019年1月25日休斯顿报道,普华永道(PwC)公布的最新统计数据显示,去年美国的并购交易价值达到了3013亿美元,比2017年猛增了66%。 普华永道在其年终报告中指出,尽管去年美国并购交易数量比2017年减少了17%,但由于关联交易,交易总额接近了历史最高水平。 去年第四季度,普华永道宣布了三项巨额交易(普华永道将其归类为至少价值50亿美元的交易)。 上游行业交易——由于公司制定自由现金流战略并为股东带来即时回报,上游行业产生的交易数量最多。许多上游交易的重点是通过流程、技术和规模优化来获取成本。 中游行业交易——由于企业寻求简化公司结构,中游行业交易为2018年创造了大部分交易价值。 下游行业交易——下游行业包括受希望更好地获得出口到墨西哥或在国内更接近二叠纪盆地驱动的交易。 页岩行业交易——2018年的并购活动涉及大量页岩交易,因为企业对每桶50至70美元的油价更加放心。普华永道指出,大部分新增页岩探区是在买方已经拥有业务、技术和潜在成本协同效应的盆地内获得的。去年,二叠纪盆地以价值359.6亿美元的33笔交易成为最具吸引力的盆地。就连大型石油公司和国际石油公司也对页岩产生了兴趣。 2019年展望 普华永道在年终报告中还强调了一些预计将影响2019年并购交易活动水平的因素:
•油田服务行业的交易活动将十分低迷。 李峻 编译自 世界钻井新闻网 原文如下: 2018 Ends with a 66 Percent Increase in US Deal Value U.S. deal value closed out 2018 at $301.3 billion, an increase of 66 percent from 2017, according to new insights from PwC. In its year-end report, PwC noted that total deal value neared record high levels due to affiliate transactions. The number of deals decreased 17 percent from 2017. Three megadeals (which PwC categorizes as deals worth at least $5 billion) were announced in the fourth quarter. Upstream – the upstream sector generated the largest volume of deals as companies strategized free cash flow generation and giving shareholders immediate returns. Many of the upstream deals focused on cost takeout through process, technology and scale optimization. Midstream – deals in midstream generated the bulk of deal value for 2018 as companies looked to simplify corporate structures. Downstream – the downstream sector included deals driven by desires to obtain better access to exports to Mexico or domestically to get closer to the Permian. Shale – M&A activity in 2018 involved a lot of shale deals as companies became more comfortable with oil prices in the $50 to $70 per barrel range. PwC notes that the majority of the shale acreage additions were done in basins where the purchaser already had a presence, know-how and potential cost synergies. The Permian finished the year as the most attractive basin with 33 deals worth $35.96 billion. Even supermajors and international oil companies are taking an interest in shale. 2019 Outlook PwC also highlights a few factors that it anticipates will impact the level of activity in 2019: •Anemic and volatile commodity pricing environment could lead to more caution making deals •Shale is forecasted to remain a major driver for deal activity, especially in the Permian, with a good number of smaller deals •Deal activity in the oilfield services sector will be dismal  
