

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU泽布吕赫1月25日消息,比利时泽布吕赫港口正在建设的液化天然气终端不仅向欧洲供应亚马尔液化天然气,还将全年供应亚太地区市场。
比利时Fluxys和诺瓦泰克项目的这个联合项目将允许亚马尔液化天然气不仅可以全年将液化天然气运送到欧洲市场,也可以运送到亚太地区市场; 它将特别适用于俄罗斯的天然气,这些天然气将通过大型冰级船只运输;在冬季,当沿北海航线前往亚洲的行动困难时,将在这里运送天然气,储存在Zeebrugge码头,并从这里用较小的船只从这里运往对这些供应有兴趣的国家之间;这条路线现在正在运作,但是是以从一艘船转运到另一艘船的方式。目前,天然气正在港口条件下重新装载,该项目将为俄罗斯液化天然气的出口创造新的便利条件。
曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU
LNG from Russia will be delivered through Belgium not only to Europe, but also to Asia
Zeebrugge, Neftegaz.RU. The LNG terminal under construction in the Belgian port of Zeebrugge will not only supply Europe with Yamal LNG, but also supply it to the markets of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR) all year round.
This joint project of the Belgian Fluxys and Novatek project will allow year-round delivery of liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) from Yamal LNG not only to European markets, but also to the APR; it will work specifically for Russian gas, which will be delivered on large ice-class vessels; in winter, when movement along the Northern Sea Route ( NSR ) towards Asia is difficult, gas will be delivered here, stored at the Zeebrugge terminal and from here on smaller ships distributed between countries that show interest in these supplies; this route is working now, but in the mode of transshipment from one vessel to another. Currently, gas is being reloaded in port conditions, and this project will create new convenient opportunities for the export of Russian liquefied gas.
The terminal is designed for deliveries of up to 8 million tons / year of LNG, the contract will be valid until 2035.
NOVATEK previously reported that in May 2018 the party of Russian LNG from Yamal LNG was first overwhelmed in the port of Zeebrugge with arctic class vessel Arc-7 in the conventional type tanker for transport to Asia. At the same time, gas cooperation between NOVATEK and Fluxys is not limited to the territory of Belgium. In 2018, a protocol was signed on the creation of a similar LNG terminal in northern Germany near the city of Rostock. In October 2018, NOVATEK announced that it had leased a land plot in the port of Rostock for the construction of a medium-capacity LNG terminal. The terminal capacity will be 300 thousand tons / year.
