在周三的一份声明中,Premier表示,在北海 Solan项目中,第一口井日产油量达14,000桶,同时该油田的第二口井将于今年年中投入生产。
分析师Alex Topouzoglou在一份报告中提到,E.ON资产生产率高,加之Solan项目的推动,使得公司发展前景良好。石油圈原创
来自/WoildOil 5月11日消息 编译/张弘引
Premier Oil Plc, an explorer operating on four continents, said it would meet or exceed itsproduction forecast for the year.
The first well brought into production at the Solan project in the North Sea has pumped more than 14,000 bopd and a second well at the field will start up by the middle of the year, Premier said in a statement Wednesday.
The company’s total oil and gas output was 57,300 boed from Jan. 1 to April 30 and is on track to be at or above the upper end of its forecast for the year of 65,000 to 70,000 boed.
The company’s shares rose as much as 6.8% to 74.5 pence, before paring gains in line with the wider market. They traded at 69.75 pence at 8:33 a.m. in London.
Premier’s statement is positive, “with strong productivity from the E.ON assets and Solan the key driver,” Exane BNP Paribas analyst Alex Topouzoglou said in a note.
Another North Sea project, called Catcher, remains on schedule and under budget, according to the statement. Capital expenditure on the field is forecast to be 15% lower due to significant cost savings, it said.
- 张弘引
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