

中国石化新闻网讯 据1月22日彭博社伦敦报道,接受能源和海事服务公司DNV GL调查的高级油气专业人士中,有四分之三的人表示,他们对2019年油气行业的增长持乐观态度,这是自2014年原油价格暴跌以来,他们对该行业最乐观的前景。目前整个能源行业的信心与2010年相当,当时布伦特原油价格飙升至95美元/桶,比目前水平高出约50%。 这种乐观情绪将转化为更高的支出,70%的专业人士说,他们今年将维持或增加资本支出预算。许多公司现在表示,尽管油价波动加剧是对地缘政治动荡的反应,但它们仍具有竞争力。在经历了持续至2017年的油价暴跌后,它们削减了生存成本。 DNV GL油气部门首席执行官Liv Hovem表示:“增长将非常重要,人们对新投资抱有强烈信心。他们非常有信心未来会有对石油和天然气的需求。他们也对自己的竞争力充满信心。” 孔丽炜 摘译自彭博社 原文如下: Three-quarters of senior oil and gas professionals surveyed by energy and maritime services company DNV GL say they are optimistic about the sector’s growth in 2019, their sunniest outlook since before the crude-price collapse in 2014. Confidence across the energy industry is now where it was in 2010, when Brent soared to $95/bbl, about 50% above today’s level. That good cheer will translate into higher spending, with 70% of professionals saying they’ll maintain or increase capital expenditure budgets this year. Many companies now say they’re competitive even as oil-price volatility heightens in reaction to geopolitical turmoil, after cutting costs to survive a collapse that lasted until 2017. “Growth will be important and there is a strong belief in new investment,” said Liv Hovem, CEO of DNV GL’s oil and gas unit. “They’re quite confident that there will be a demand for oil and gas going forward. They’re also confident about their competitiveness.”  
