中国石化新闻网讯 据世界钻井新闻网2019年1月18日休斯敦报道,全球著名海上钻井公司Ensco和Rowan周四宣布,两家公司将各自召开会议并推迟他们定于1月23日召开的股东大会。 在各自召开的会议上,两家公司计划批准他们与在2018年10月7日达成的合并协议有关的决议。 本周早些时候,Ensco向Rowan提出了更优厚的提议,根据该提议,Rowan股东将以每股Rowan股票换取2.6股Ensco股票,比稍早的2.215股的换股比绿增加了17.4%。 Rowan董事会正在审查Ensco改进后的提案,然后再向Ensco作出回应。在Rowan作出回应后,Ensco将宣布股东大会重新召开的日期和时间。 Rowan董事会时下仍在审查Ensco修改后的提议。Rowan刊登在公司网站上的一份新闻稿说:“董事会打算花更多时间来确定其认为最符合Rowan及其股东利益的行动方针,Rowan董事会将在审查后的适当时候对Ensco修改后的提议作出回应。” 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Ensco and Rowan Extend Time to Decide on Merger Ensco plc and Rowan Companies will convene and adjourn its general meeting scheduled for Jan. 23, the companies announced Thursday. During that meeting, they were scheduled to approve resolutions related to the merger agreement they entered into Oct. 7, 2018. Earlier this week, Ensco sweetened its proposal to Rowan whereby Rowan shareholders would receive 2.6 Ensco shares for each Rowan share, a 17.4 percent increase from the earlier exchange ratio of 2.215. Rowan’s Board of Directors is in the process of reviewing the enhanced proposal before providing its response to Ensco. Following Rowan’s response, Ensco will announce the date and time at which the General Meeting will be reconvened. Rowan’s Board of Directors is still reviewing Ensco’s revised proposal. “The Board intends to take the time it needs to determine the course of action that it believes is in the best interest of Rowan and its shareholders,” stated a company release on Rowan’s website. “The Rowan Board will respond to Ensco’s proposal in due course following its review.”