
UGL赢得Gorgon和Wheatstone LNG合同

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网1月18日消息 澳大利亚的UGL是CIMIC集团的一个子公司,已经赢得了雪佛龙运营的Gorgon和Wheatstone液化天然气(LNG)出口项目的合同。 合同内容是为位于西澳大利亚的液化天然气设施提供维护和检修服务。 UGL周五在一份声明中表示,根据合同,它将提供机械、电气、仪表和检修服务,用于维护、工厂检修和棕地执行服务。 UGL还被授予延期合同期限,为西澳大利亚石油和天然气行业的现有客户以及维多利亚州的现有客户资产提供维护和检修服务。 UGL在声明中表示,这些合同连同液化天然气合同将为UGL带来约2亿美元的综合收入,并将在多年内执行。 王磊 摘译自 世界天然气 原文如下: UGL scores Gorgon, Wheatstone contracts Australia’s UGL, a unit of CIMIC Group, has won contracts on the Chevron-operated Gorgon and Wheatstone liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects. The contracts are for maintenance and turnaround services at the LNG facilities located in Western Australia. UGL said in a statement on Friday that, under the contracts, it will deliver mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and access services for maintenance, plant turnaround and brownfield execution services. UGL has also been awarded contract extensions to supply maintenance and turnaround services for existing clients in the oil and gas sector in Western Australia and for an existing client’s assets across Victoria. These contracts together with the LNG contracts “will generate a combined revenue to UGL of approximately $200 million and be executed over a multiple-year period,” UGL said in the statement.  
