中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油休斯顿消息,位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的坎培能源公司(Camber)是一家独立的石油和天然气公司,从事原油、天然气和天然气液体的开发,该公司提供了一份关于其修井活动的每月更新。 在德克萨斯州哈钦森县的Panhandle项目,由于无法预料的天气、压缩机和电气工作延迟以及安装分油器的延误,该公司的生产花了很长时间才能充分发挥其全部潜力。因此,该公司估计,根据流量测试,2019年1月的总产量将达到大约22.05亿立方英尺天然气和223桶的石油,预计每月总收入大约为26000美元。与2018年12月相比,估计改善了约60%。 坎培能源公司临时首席执行官Louis G. Schott指出,“尽管公司对拖延感到失望,但我们仍然对Panhandle项目的未来感到非常兴奋。另外,公司还在继续评估其他收购和合并机会。” 詹晓晶摘自世界石油 原文如下: Camber Energy has reported its January 2019 update Camber Energy, Inc., based in Houston, Texas, an independent oil and gas company engaged in the development of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids, has provided a monthly update on its workover activities. In the Panhandle in Hutchinson County, Texas, the Company’s production has taken longer to reach its full potential due to unforeseen weather, compressor and electrical work delays as well as delays in the installation of an oil separator. As a result, the company estimates that gross January 2019 production, based on flow tests, will total approximately 2,205 Mcfg and 223 bbl of oil, for projected gross monthly revenues of approximately $26,000 this month. This is an estimated improvement of approximately 60% from the month of December 2018. The Interim CEO of Camber, Louis G. Schott, noted, “While the company has been disappointed in the delays, we are still very excited about the future of the Panhandle project.” Mr. Schott added, “Additionally, the company is continuing to evaluate other acquisition and merger opportunities.”