

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油荷兰斯希丹1月15日消息称,Vryhof及其三大子公司—Deep Sea Mooring、Vryhof Anchors和Moorlink—在2019年获得7500万美元的新合同。 Deep Sea Mooring(DSM)已与印度尼西亚Saipem钻井公司Odfjell钻井公司和来宝钻井公司签订了2019年在印度尼西亚近海、北海和缅甸提供系泊相关服务的合同,以及澳大利亚近海的一份大型合同。Vryhof anchor公司在马来西亚获得了一份与SOFEC公司的油气合同,连接器专家Moorlink公司在可再生能源和油气钻井领域赢得了几份利基合同。 Vryhof集团首席执行官Wolfgang Wandl评论了这些交易:“虽然过去几年对离岸行业带来了重大的市场挑战,但经过我们所有团队和企业的不懈努力,以客户为中心的方法,以及持续多元化进入可再生能源和水产养殖业确保我们从2019年开始积极发展。“ 最后,Vryhof的另一家公司Moorlink获得了钻井行业的合同。 Wolfgang Wandl总结道:“在当今成本意识强、市场竞争激烈的环境下,产品和服务公司接受创新并帮助石油和天然气、可再生能源和水产养殖业的运营商和承包商改变他们的工作方式,改善商业运营,比以往任何时候都更加重要。这就是Vryhof通过一个可以为世界各地的环境和部门定制的一站式系泊和锚定解决方案所实现的。我们期待着在2019年继续领导这个行业。” 陈菲 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: Vryhof has secured $75 million in 2019 contracts Vryhof and its three businesses – Deep Sea Mooring, Vryhof Anchors and Moorlink – have been awarded $75 million in new contracts, starting 2019 on a high. Deep Sea Mooring (DSM) has secured contracts with Saipem Indonesia, Odfjell Drilling and Noble Drilling for the supply of mooring related services during 2019 in offshore Indonesia, the North Sea, and Myanmar respectively, as well as a large-scale contract offshore Australia. Vryhof Anchors has been awarded an oil & gas contract in Malaysia with SOFEC and connector specialists Moorlink has won several niche contracts in the renewables and oil & gas drilling sectors. Wolfgang Wandl, group CEO at Vryhof, commented on the deals, “While the past few years have come with significant market challenges to the offshore sector, the relentless hard work, customer-focused approach of all our teams and businesses, and continued diversification into the renewables and aquaculture sectors have ensured that we start 2019 on a positive note.” Finally, another Vryhof company, Moorlink, has secured contracts in the drilling sector. Wolfgang Wandl concludes: “In today’s cost-conscious and challenging marketing environment, it’s more important than ever for product and services companies to embrace innovation and help operators and contractors in the oil & gas, renewables and aquaculture sectors change the way they work and improve their commercial operations. This is what Vryhof is achieving through a total, one-stop mooring and anchoring solution that can be customized for environments and sectors around the world. We look forward to continuing to lead the industry throughout 2019.”  
