

中国石化新闻网讯 据标普全球能源资讯1月14日报道称,该公司计划对其布伦特原油现货价格评估进行改革,以求持续提升布油作为国际原油基准的流动性,该基准为定价全球多数石油交易的基础。
普氏能源资讯全球石油市场主管Vera Blei在一份声明中表示,“随着北海交易离岸价格的逐渐下降,该提议将确保在可预见的未来,布伦特原油现货价格中各等级的充足流动性。”
徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯
S&P Global Platts to reform key Dated Brent crude oil benchmark
S&P Global Platts plans reforms to its dated Brent crude oil price assessment as part of ongoing moves to boost the liquidity of the benchmark used as a basis for pricing the majority of the world’s traded oil, it said Monday.
From November 2019, Platts plans to include qualifying North Sea crudes on an adjusted cost, insurance and freight (CIF) basis Rotterdam into in its FOB (free on board) Dated Brent benchmark.
The move marked the first time Platts will assess crude being offered on a delivered basis to determine the value of its main FOB Dated Brent assessment, which currently includes falling volumes of crude traded at North Sea terminals.
“With FOB supply in the North Sea gradually falling, this proposal will ensure ample liquidity of grades in the Dated Brent basket for the foreseeable future,” Platts global director of oil market reporting, Vera Blei, said in a statement.
