

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油1月14日报道称,总部位于美国的克罗利海运集团公司的第二艘LNG动力组合集装箱/滚装船“Taíno”号完成了至波多黎各首次航行。 “Taíno”号于1月8日从佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔港出发,是为克罗利海运集团建造的两艘集装箱滚装船中的第二艘。 克罗利在声明中指出,这对货船中的第一艘船“ElCoquí”号于2018年7月开始服役。 这两艘专为波多黎各贸易而建造的船舶长219.5米(720英尺),载重量为26,500吨(DWT),最多可运输2,400个20英尺当量的集装箱(TEU)。 这两艘船都是由克罗利旗下的全球船舶管理集团与美国船员共同运营的。 这些船由VT Halter Marine在其位于密西西比州帕斯卡古拉的造船厂建造,由克罗利解决方案公司提供施工管理。 董飞 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: Crowley’s second LNG-powered ConRo completes maiden voyage US-based Crowley Maritime’s second LNG-powered combination container/roll-on roll-off ConRo ship Taíno, completed its maiden voyage to Puerto Rico. Taíno, which departed January 8 from its mainland homeport of Jacksonville, Florida, is the second of two ConRo vessels constructed for Crowley. The first ship of the pair, El Coquí, began its service in July 2018, Crowley noted in its statement. The ships, built specifically for the Puerto Rico trade, are 219.5 meters (720 feet), 26,500 deadweight tons (DWT), and can transport up to 2,400 twenty-foot-equivalent container units (TEUs). Both vessels are operated with U.S. crews by Crowley’s global ship management group under Crowley Shipping. The vessels were constructed by VT Halter Marine at its Pascagoula, Mississippi, shipyard, with construction management provided by Crowley Solutions. Modernizations by Crowley include the Commitment class vessels along with investments at Crowley’s Isla Grande terminal in San Juan, including three new shore gantry cranes, the first to be delivered in Puerto Rico in 50 years; a new 900-foot pier; container handling equipment; and efficiency improvements. At JAXPORT, a new shoreside LNG fuel depot operated by Eagle LNG Partners supplies the cleaner, efficient fuel powering the ships.  
