中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社休斯顿、纽约和加拉加斯消息,由于世界大型石油服务公司不愿参与委内瑞拉石油业务,该国正求助于一家新成立的美国公司,以支持其世界上最大原油储量的生产。 自2017年第二季度以来,世界上最大的石油服务供应商斯伦贝谢公司和哈里伯顿公司已宣布对委内瑞拉未支付的账单进行合计注销,共计超过20亿美元,这使得这个南美国家别无选择,在其石油出口下滑至28年来的最低水平时,与二级服务公司开展合作。 根据彭博社看到的文件显示,委内瑞拉与总部位于美国,且在2018年成立的Erepla服务公司达成了一项协议,目的是提高提亚胡安、罗莎梅代尔多和阿亚库乔5油田的产量,来换取一半的石油产量。根据合同规定,Erepla将为陆上油田提供25年的钻井平台和员工,并可选择再延长15年。 Erepla负责人Harry Sargeant III在上周六的一份声明中表示:“该协议让总部位于美国的Erepla提高了管理层的参与度,并建立了创新的支付结构,以避免以往项目出现的资金缺口。” 詹晓晶摘自彭博社 原文如下: Venezuela taps obscure driller to replace big-name oil firms With brand-name drillers unwilling to jump in, Venezuela is resorting to a newly formed U.S. company for help in shoring up production from its crude reserves, the largest in the world. Schlumberger Ltd. and Halliburton Co., the world’s biggest oil-service providers, have announced over $2 billion in combined write-offs for unpaid bills in Venezuela since the second quarter of 2017. That’s left the South American country little choice but to reach out to secondary service companies with its oil exports slumping to a 28-year low. The result: An agreement with U.S.-based Erepla Services LLC, created in 2018, to boost production at the Tia Juana and Rosa Mediano and Ayacucho 5 fields in exchange for half the oil produced, according to documents seen by Bloomberg. Erepla will supply rigs and crews in the onshore fields for 25 years, with an option to extend for another 15 years, according to the contract. “The agreement gives U.S.-based Erepla enhanced managerial participation and an innovative payment structure designed to avoid the shortfalls that have plagued previous projects,” Harry Sargeant III, a principal in Erepla, said in a statement Saturday.