

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年1月4日休斯敦报道,沙特阿拉伯的全球著名石化制造商沙特基础工业公司(萨比克/Sabic)已经与美国南路易斯安那甲醇公司合作,评估是否在路易斯安那州新建一个年产200万吨甲醇厂来为美国国内和出口市场服务。 萨比克和南路易斯安那甲醇公司周一表示,双方已签署为期6个月的“初步协议”来研究这个项目的开发。萨比克在一份声明中表示,两家公司将研究这个项目的经济、技术和财务方面并决定一旦获得所有必需的许可和批准是否继续推进这个项目。萨比克表示,初步协议期满后可以延长六个多月。 萨比克补充说,这项协议是其旨在专注于业务地域多元化以便进入全球市场并获得具有竞争力原料战略的一部分。萨比克是诺瓦化学公司位于路易斯安那州盖斯马的88.45万吨/年裂解装置的少数股份持有者,也是埃克森美孚公司在得克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂附近开发一个新的石化联合体的合作伙伴,这个联合体拥有180万吨/年的裂解厂和聚乙烯及乙二醇衍生物厂。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Sabic, South Louisiana Methanol team up for new plant Saudi Arabia’s Sabic has teamed up with South Louisiana Methanol to evaluate whether to build a new 2 million mt/year methanol plant in Louisiana to serve domestic and export markets, both companies have announced. The companies have signed a six-month “initial agreement” to study development of the project, they said Monday. Sabic said in a statement that the companies will study economic, technical and financial aspects of the project and decide whether to move ahead with it once all required licenses and approvals have been secured. The agreement can be extended beyond six months, Sabic said. The global petrochemical manufacturer added that the agreement is part of its strategy to focus on geographic diversification of its business to reach global markets and gain access to competitive feedstock. Sabic is a minority owner of NOVA Chemicals’ 884,500 mt/year cracker in Geismar, Louisiana, and is ExxonMobil’s partner in development of a new petrochemical complex near Corpus Christi, Texas, with a 1.8 million mt/year cracker and polyethylene and monoethylene glycol derivative plants.
