

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏新加坡12月27日消息,亚洲苯价格在圣诞节假期期间大幅下跌,周三韩国的离岸价被评估为9年多以来的低点,而CFR中国价格则触及普氏能源资讯于2015年11月30日开始评估以来的最低水平。 根据普氏能源资讯的数据,韩国周三的离岸价格为504美元/吨,上次下跌是在2009年3月25日,当时的价格为501.50美元/吨。 CFR中国价格周三为516美元/吨。 市场消息人士指出,除了上游原油期货供应疲弱外,亚洲苯市场供应充足,因为2019年的期货合约尚未完全结算。结果,生产商听到了销售材料的声音,这些材料原本打算以定期、现货的方式出售,而现货价格自那以来受到了打击。但是,目前尚不清楚生产者之间的期货合约何时会得到解决。 市场消息人士周三晚些时候表示,出价和报价都不愿意改善,导致买卖差价持续存在。在第四季度的大部分时间里,美国苯市场的疲软使其价格相对于FOB韩国的价格保持较低水平,现货材料无法在韩国找到出口渠道。一位交易员周四表示:“我们将不得不看看假期过后美国市场的走势。” 陈菲 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: FOB Korea benzene price plunges to more than 9-year low amid ample supply Asian benzene prices fell sharply over the Christmas holidays, with FOB Korea assessed at a more than 9-year low Wednesday, while CFR China prices hit its lowest level since S&P Global Platts started assessing it on November 30, 2015. FOB Korea was assessed at $504/mt Wednesday, and prices were last lower on March 25, 2009, at $501.50/mt, based on Platts data. CFR China prices were assessed at $516/mt Wednesday. Apart from the weakness in upstream crude oil futures, market sources noted that supply was ample in the Asian benzene market as 2019 term contracts have yet to be fully settled. As a result, producers were heard selling material, which was originally intended for sale on a term basis, on a spot basis, and spot prices have since taken a hit. However, it is unclear as to when term contracts between producers and will be settled. Market sources said late Wednesday that both bids and offers were unwilling to improve, resulting in a persistent bid-offer gap. Weakness in the US benzene market have kept prices at levels lower relative to FOB Korea over most of the fourth quarter, and spot material is unable to seek outlet there. “We shall have to see how the [US] market moves after the holidays,” a trader said Thursday.  
