中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月26日迪拜报道,科威特石油部长说,科威特致力于最近达成的欧佩克和非欧佩克之间的协议 据科威特国家通讯社Kuna报道,科威特新任命的石油部长Khaled Al Fadhel表示,科威特支持旨在稳定石油市场的所有努力。 Fadhel说,科威特致力于本月早些时候达成的欧佩克和非欧佩克的协议,其中包括从1月开始为期六个月,每天削减120万桶的产量。 孔丽炜 摘译自路透社 Oil minister says Kuwait committed to recent Opec, non-Opec agreement Kuwait’s newly appointed oil minister Khaled Al Fadhel said his country supports all efforts aimed at stabilising oil markets, the state news agency Kuna reported. Fadhel said Kuwait is committed to the recent Opec, non-Opec agreements made earlier this month, which include a production cut of around 1.2 million barrels per day for six months starting from January.