中国石化新闻网讯 据12月25日Trade Arabia报道,阿联酋联邦电力和水务管理局(Fewa)与乌姆盖万政府签署了一项协议,建立一个太阳能光伏发电站,为阿联酋北部提供清洁能源。 乌姆盖万政府执行委员会秘书长Humaid Al Shamsi在与Fewa首席执行官Mohammed Saleh签署协议后表示,这个200兆瓦的项目将在Falaj Al Mu’alla执行,占地500万米。 Al Shamsi 强调,该协议是基于阿联酋政府2018年年度会议的成果,其目的是加强和建立地方和联邦部门之间的伙伴关系,以实现2021年国家议程和政府的目标。 “这份成功的协议反映了阿联酋政府为合作和实现“阿联酋2050能源战略”所做的努力,该战略的目标是将清洁能源占该国总能源产出的比重提高到50%,” Al Mazrouei表示。 他补充说:“阿联酋在未来30年将集中精力实现能源多样化,并采取最佳相关做法,保护环境,确保其自然资源的可持续性,并减少对化石燃料和天然气的依赖。” 孔丽炜 摘译自Trade Arabia 原文如下: UAQ plans to set up 200MW solar power station The UAE Federal Electricity and Water Authority (Fewa) has signed an agreement with the government of Umm Al Qaiwain to set up a solar photovoltaic (PV) power station in bid to provide clean energy to the northern emirate. The 200MW project will be implemented at Falaj Al Mu’alla over an area of 5-million metre, stated Humaid Al Shamsi, the secretary-general of the executive council of the Umm Al Qaiwain Government, after siging the deal with Mohammed Saleh, the director-general of Fewa. Al Shamsi stressed that the agreement is based on the outcomes of the UAE Government Annual Meetings 2018, which aimed to strengthen and create partnerships between the local and federal sectors, to achieve the targets of the National Agenda 2021 and the government under one umbrella. “This successful memorandum reflects the UAE government’s efforts to co-operate and achieve the “UAE Energy Strategy 2050,” which aims to raise the contribution of clean energy to the total energy produced to 50 per cent,” remarked Al Mazrouei. “The UAE, over the next three decades, will focus on diversifying its energy sources and adopting the best relevant practices, to preserve the environment and ensure the sustainability of its natural resources for future generations, as well as to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and gas,” he added.-