

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯纽约12月21日消息 帕尔石油公司首席执行长伊斯雷尔在接受全球普氏能源咨询公司采访时表示,该公司已经扩大了业务范围,在与现有业务相适应的市场积累了资产。 去年11月,该公司向位于华盛顿塔科马的美国炼油企业支付了3.58亿美元(外加营运资金),其中包括一家炼油厂和相关的物流资产,使其在现有的两家炼油厂(一家位于夏威夷,一家位于怀俄明州)之间的地理位置处于一半左右。 以色列表示:“美国石油公司的收购让我们得以在清单上列出三个重要的战略项目。” “首先,我们增加了规模,这将帮助我们成为一个更高效的运营商,在华尔街成为一个更引人注目的公司。其次,我们正在增加市场的多元化,特别是通过原油采购;第三,我们现在有显著的协同效应可以合作”以色列补充道。 以色列表示:“以购买原油、催化剂或化学品为例,每日20万桶的炼油系统将比每日10万桶的炼油系统更有效。” 吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Par Petroleum adds scale with Tacoma refinery purchase Par Petroleum has expanded its footprint, accumulating assets in profitable niche markets compatible with their existing operations, the company’s CEO Joseph Israel said in an interview with S&P Global Platts. In November, Par Petroleum paid $358 million, plus working capital, for US Oil & Refining Company in Tacoma, Washington, including a refinery and associated logistic assets, giving it geographical presence about half way between its two existing refineries — one in Hawaii and one in Wyoming. “The US Oil acquisition allowed us to check three important and strategic boxes on our list to do,” said Israel. “First, we added scale, which will help us to be a more efficient operator, and a more visible company in Wall Street. Second, we are adding significant market diversification, especially through crude sourcing, and third, we now have significant synergies to work with,” Israel added. “It will be more effective buying crude oil, catalyst or chemicals as an example, for 200,000 b/d refining system than a 100,000 b/d system” Israel said.  
