

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社莫斯科报道,俄罗斯能源部长Alexander Novak星期二表示,油价在本季度下跌了三分之一以上,在2019年上半年将变得更加稳定。 本月早些时候,欧佩克和其他以俄罗斯为首的大型产油国同意从明年1月份起,将其原油日产量减少120万桶,以遏制油价的下跌。 Novak在接受Rossiya-24电视台采访时称:“我认为,在明年上半年,由于欧佩克和非欧佩克国家今年12月所确认的共同努力,形势将更加稳定、更加平衡。” Novak还表示,没有提议与欧佩克举行特别会议,他将油价下跌归因于宏观经济因素。 他说:“这些都是基本因素,比如冬季需求的下降,当然还有宏观经济,正如我们在今年年底看到全球经济活动在下降,股市也在下跌。” 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Russia’s energy minister sees oil prices stabilizing in first-half 2019 Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Tuesday that oil prices, which fell by more than a third this quarter, would become more stable in the first half of 2019. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other large oil producers led by Russia agreed earlier this month to cut their combined crude output by 1.2 million barrels per day from January in order to stem the fall in oil prices. “I think that during the first half, due to joint efforts, which were confirmed by the OPEC and non-OPEC countries this December, the situation will be more stable, more balanced,” Novak said in an interview on Rossiya-24 TV. Novak also said there were no proposals for an extraordinary meeting with OPEC, and he attributed the fall in oil prices to macroeconomic factors. “Those are the fundamental factors: the decrease of demand in winter and, of course, the macro economy as we’ve been witnessing a decline in global economic activity at the end of the year and a fall on the stock market,” he said.​
