中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站2018年12月24日休斯敦报道,新成立的勘探和生产公司Var能源公司时下正在位于挪威海上的Balder地区和Ringhome地区进行油气再开发作业并在日前与挪威著名石油服务公司阿克尔解决方案公司(Aker Solutions)签署了有关延长挪威佐敦集团的浮式产油储油和卸油(FPSO)船使用寿命的前端工程设计(FEED)合同。 作为挪威大陆架(NCS)上最大的独立勘探和开发公司,Var能源公司表示该公司将向该地区——包括首个挪威大陆架许可区域(1965年)——的油气再开发投资大约200亿挪威克朗(23亿美元)。 重新开发的一部分是Balder X项目。对于Balder X项目来说,Var 能源公司已经签署了一份前端工程设计(FEED)合同,旨在把挪威佐敦集团的FPSO船使用寿命延长到2045年。 这项合同估计价值超过1亿挪威克朗,是阿克尔解决方案公司在与其他供应商的竞争中赢得的。FEED研究的主要目的是详细说明延长北海佐敦集团的FPSO船使用寿命所需的工作范围。 挪威佐敦集团是全球主要的船舶涂料、工业保护涂料、装饰漆和粉末涂料生产商之一。 李峻 编译自 WENews 原文如下: Aker Solutions Wins Jotun FEED Contract The newly formed exploration and production (E&P) company Vår Energi is progressing the redevelopment of the Balder and Ringhorne area offshore Norway and a FEED contract for the Jotun FPSO life extension has now been signed with Aker Solutions. In total, about 20 billion NOK ($2.3 billion) will be invested in the redevelopment of the area, which includes the first NCS license area, PL 001 from 1965, said the largest independent E&P company on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). Part of the redevelopment, is the Balder X Project. For Balder X, Vår Energi are garding the front end engineering and design (FEED) contract for the lifetime extension of the Jotun vessel towards 2045. The contract, with an estimated value of more than 100 million NOK, was won by Aker Solutions in competition with other suppliers. The main objective of the FEED study is to detail the scope of work required to extend the life of the Jotun floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel in the North Sea.