
油价暴跌当口 欧佩克准备召开“特别会议”

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价12月25日消息 就在欧佩克及其合作伙伴同意实施另一轮减产几周后,欧佩克准备随着国际油价继续下跌而延长这些减产。 路透社引阿联酋石油部长的话报导称,随着欧佩克再次进入“不惜一切代价”的模式,欧佩克准备召开特别会议。 本月早些时候,欧佩克、俄罗斯和另外九个石油生产国同意将日产量合计减少120万桶,其中欧佩克的份额为80万桶/日。然而,这一消息未能影响市场对全球经济增长以及由此导致的原油需求的担忧。 阿联酋的Suhail al-Mazrouei在科威特的一个新闻发布会上表示,延长削减期限,对我们来说不是问题。削减期限最初设定4个月,从1月份开始。 Mazrouei 说:“如果120万桶/日的减产还不够? 那我要告诉你,如果不够,那我们将会看看到底需要减产到什么程度才够,而且我们会去实施减产。”他还说:“削减石油产量的计划已经研究得很充分,但如果它不起作用,我们总是有权力要求欧佩克召开一次特别会议。如果我们被要求再延长六个月的减产,我们会的……,而且我可以保证延期不会有问题。” 尽管欧佩克的气氛似乎令人担忧,但阿格斯能源咨询公司预计,随着减产措施生效,油价将在2019年稳定。CNBC引能源数据提供商的话报道称,预计布伦特原油在2019年第一季度的平均价格为65美元/桶,第二季度升至68美元/桶,进一步升至2019年第三季度的70美元/桶。 王磊 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Just a couple of weeks after OPEC and its partners agreed to implement another round of production cuts, the cartel is ready to extend these cuts as international prices continue to fall. citing the oil minister of the UAE, that OPEC is prepared to call an extraordinary meeting as it enters “whatever it takes” mode yet again. Earlier this month OPEC, Russia and nine more producers agreed to reduce their combined oil output by 1.2 million barrels daily, with OPEC’s share at 800,000 bpd. However, the news failed to impress a market worried about global economic growth and consequently crude oil demand. Speaking at a news conference in Kuwait, UAE’s Suhail al-Mazrouei said it would not be a problem for the cartel to extend the period of the cuts, initially set at four months, beginning in January. “What if the 1.2 million barrels of cuts are not enough? I am telling you that if it is not, we will meet and see what is enough and we will do it,” Mazrouei said, adding “The plan (to cut oil production) is well studied but if it does not work, we always have the power in OPEC to call for an extraordinary meeting. If we are required to extend for (another) six months, we will do it… I can assure you an extension will not be a problem.” While the mood in OPEC appears to be on the worried side, Argus Media expects oil prices to stabilize early in 2019 as the cuts take effect. CNBC reports, citing the energy data provider, that it sees Brent crude at an average of US$65 a barrel during the first quarter of 2019, rising to US$68 a barrel in the second quarter and further to US$70 in the third quarter of 2019.
