

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油新闻12月23日穆顿兹报道,世界特种化学品领导者瑞士科莱恩公司宣布,该公司日前与沙特卡扬公司签署了一份谅解备忘录(MoU)。沙特卡扬公司是一家在化学、聚合物和特种产品领域领先的沙特股份公司。 根据谅解备忘录确定的条款,双方同意评估合资企业的组建,目的是建立烷氧基酸的生产设施。这个设施计划把瑞士科莱恩公司的烷氧基酸盐生产技术与沙特卡扬公司的原材料结合起来,因此这个设施将建在沙特卡扬公司位于沙特朱拜勒工业城的石油化工厂内。 烷氧基酸盐是环氧乙烷的下游产品,广泛应用于科莱恩公司的家庭护理、个人护理和工业应用领域。 沙特卡扬公司是沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)麾下的子公司。SABIC也是科莱恩公司最大的战略锚定股东,持有24.99%的股份。正如双方之前沟通的那样,瑞士科莱恩公司和沙特卡扬公司之间的这份谅解备忘录是瑞士科莱恩公司和SABIC之间进一步评估更多合作商业机会的一部分。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: Clariant and Saudi Kayan to evaluate alkoxylates joint venture Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Saudi Kayan, a Saudi joint stock company leading in the field of chemicals, polymers and specialty products. As defined by the MoU, both parties have agreed to evaluate the formation of a joint venture with the aim of establishing a manufacturing facility for alkoxylates. This facility is planned to combine Clariant’s alkoxylates production technology with Saudi Kayan’s raw materials and would, therefore, be based within Saudi Kayan’s Petrochemical Company complex in Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia. Alkoxylates are a downstream product of ethylene oxide and are used in a variety of specialty applications in Clariant’s home care, personal care and industrial applications segments. Saudi Kayan is an affiliate of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC). SABIC is also Clariant’s largest strategic anchor shareholder with a 24.99% stake. This MoU between Clariant and Saudi Kayan is a part of the further evaluation of additional collaborative businesses opportunities between Clariant and SABIC, as previously communicated by both parties.
